Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3o. An ExpoPon upon the Rook! ofJ o B. Verf. 21. 197 With thy ftrgng hand thou eppofoi thy !cite againft mee. The text is with theftrength of thy hand ; the hand ofGod bath all ftrength in it, or is all ftrength ; And The handof God fignifieth ftrength,where his ftrength is not expreffed. When the Prophet faith (Ifa. 59. 1 .)The band ofthe Lard ie.nothortened his meaning is The ftrength of the Lord is not abated bue where we have the ftrength and the hand ofGod put together, or as we traoflate, Theftrong bandofGod, there the ftrongeft ftrength is intended. The ftrength of Godshand , or his ftrong hand, is his omnipotency. His ftrength is loch that he can doe all things which are alts offtrength. The Scripture faith, hecan- plot lie,( Tit. I. 2.) He cannot deny himfelfe, (2 Tim. 2. 13. ) becaufe there are alts of weakneffe, yea of finfufnetfe, not of fít.iength and power. Againe, The handof is fo ttrong that hecan doe whatfoever he will, though he will not doe what- foever he can. His power bath no limit but his own pleafure, (`Pfal. 1 15.3.) our God is in the heavens, he hatbdone wbatfee- ver be pleated ; How ftrong is his hand, which never fayled, nor can fayle in doing what himfelfe is wilting fhould be done l With thyftrong hand oppofef thy felfe agairft tree. And it is but thus, that God oppofeth his worft and moft in- stetrate enemies, (Ptal. 39. 1 o ) Thou halt broken Rabab,(that is, Egypt ) in, pieces as one that isfltine thou haft tcattered thine enemies with thy ft rang arme : wee put in theMargin,; With thine arme offtrength. In the 23d Chapter of this booke ver. 6. lob makes his appeale to God, and defiret'i audience of him fup- ported with this Confidence, that God who is fo full of bowells would not oppofe himwith his ftrong hand!Will he pleadagainft meewith-his great power ? That is, he will not plead againft mee with his great power. Yet herewe fee what his thoughts wereof God, With thy ftrong hand thou eppofeft thy felfe agairf# mee. ;Thou dot) not only plead againft mee,but thou oppofcft thy felfe againft mee, not only doft thou fpeak words againft naee, but thou.aeteft agaièift mee and that ftrongly. Thou oppofci thy fclfe againft Mee. The word hereufed is very veer in found, and as nor in fence to ::.,