Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An Expefttion upon the Berke of J O B. Verf. E t. 20 membranceofthee. The greateff normes of divineanger againff Zion, doe not extinguith the names of divine love to Zion. There may be changes in the worker of God but he is in one mind, or his mind is alwayes the fame tohis, and that is a mind todoe them good byall hedoth to there. Secondly , Obferve; The force of paine and ?relent !Mart, may make the bsft of Saints freak 'weenie! y, andbefides their dulie. It was not only to much for Yob to fay of God , but more then a damned foule can truly fay of God,Thau art became Cru- ell to mee : He that never exceeds juffice is never cruel. We have beardmany ofthe Saints undergreaten fufferings fo farre front laying God is crud, that they have confeffed, god isgood, God i1 mercifrll, Fred is kinde ; this lofye is ofGod,this ftroke is ofGod, this paine is ofGod, this wound is ofGod, and yet God is mer- ciful!, yet God is gracious, yet God is good ; If rob, who ill this extreamity makes report of God as Cruell ! and crycs out, O Cruell t howCrud] ! ( Ifhe, I fay) when the fit was over had been asked hisopinion ofGod, what he thought of God , and what the thoughts ofGod were towards him ; furely he would have Paid, God is gracious, God is good end kinde to mee : he would have called him redeemer, (as Chap. lg. as.) and not defkroyer. Therehe could fay, I know that my redeemer livetb, even when be was ready to dye render his hand, ( and Chap. 13. 16.) Hieal/e /ball be my titivation : thefe were his thoughts when he confidered the matter; but when he was carried ont in pafliion through theviolence ofpaine,how Intemperately did he fpeake ? wee cannot alwayeajudge of a mans eftate by his at-14- (7W' , or by bis (pucka. While the heart is right, words mayIce wrong. Thirdly, Comparing this verfewith the former, where he laid, Icry, and thou bearejb nor : and here prekntly adds ; Thou art Cruell to mee. Obferve ; It iQ a great temptationnet to be beard inprayer for the remo- ving ofof iiiiien,or not tobe eafedand relievedwhen we pray, but it is a greater temptation to be more aatifled when we pray. D