Cap.30. An expofition upon the Book of Jò` B. Veri. 22. 203 aít felfe-feekingly. A Rate of grace is fare, but the workings of grace are variable ; Thenatureof it is unchangeable, but the de- grees of it Puffer many changes. 'Ti, the happines of Saints chat the grace which they have in Chrift, theis head,knows no decay, as alto that the grace which is in themfelves (ball recover frorr its decayes, and triumph after all its foyies. y,bsgrace did fo at laíi, though he yet proceeds in filch a language ofcomplaint as further difcevers the weakneffeof it. Verf. 22. Thou lifteft mee up to the wind ; thoucaulff once to rideupon it : thou difolvefí my fubflance. The general! fence of this verfe is as the former, a bewayling ofhis afiliftion in the molt fignificant metaphors and higheft fireinesof furrow. Thor lifteft mee up to the winde. Mr. Broughton tranflates, Thou takemee up untaa ainde, and caufeft mee to ride upon it: Here we may behold yob upon his Chariot, not a triumphing but a mourning Chariot ; He rode upon the wind, and he tells who let him there ; Thou(OGod) caufeft mee to ride upon it. But what was this wind towhich rob was lifted up, and uponwhich he rode ? Firft , By this wind, we may molt fitly underhand his feirce and ftrong affliíftions; As if he had fayd, Thou (o god) haft gi- ven my 414-lienfullforce and fcope againft mee : _thou jetteft mee before the wind, and liftefl mee up with it ; I am alwajer weather. beaten, never under the lee- (here. When the ftorme is up we may avoyd it much and get to fhelter; but he that is lifted up to the winde .. is exposed to its full force and courfe. As the winde rai- vt flipulane feth and carries away ftubble or chaffe, or duff, fo moil probably vortexgoz d;ci. lob conceaved himfelfe lifted up and carried away,he (carte knew iúnt)pho. whether, or into what conditionby thong afeli &ions, and temp. tuions. Secondly , ?`hou lifteft me*up to the winde, is conceaved by others as an expreflionofhis former felicity ; As ifhe had fayd, Thou daft lift mee up once to the bight of outwardprofperiey, and madeft mee ride aloft as upon the wings of thewinde, but now thou di19114 my fa/lance, or breakeft mee like a bubble. I was once in the skies, but now I am in the duff. Ddz And