266 Chap, 3o. An Expofition upon the Rook of j e B. Verf. zz, Hence note ; God ufeth much liberty in dealing withhis fervantr, OarGod( faith the Prophet, 'Pfal. i i 5. 3. ) is in theheavens, andhath'done whatfoever hepleafed. Hewalkes by no rule hut his own pleafure, and though that be in it felfe the bee, the fureti, and moil unerring rule, yet,as tous, it puts it telfe forth, and ap- peares, full of changes and alterations. This day the Lord is plea- fed togive us matterofre'oycing, and the next day of forrow; One day he is pleafed to fill us, and another day to empty us. He fends awinde fometimes to raife us up, and anone a winde to cart us downe, he toffeth and tumbled] us to and fro, even as Rubble, and as a dry !safe : and who mayfay to what doe" thou ?Doe not thinke that this is a dream,as the Rab- bineInterprets it, or a Poetical) fidtion , when we beare ofmen lifted up to and riding on the winds, and then falling downe to thediffolving of their fubftance. The Lords wayes with menare aboveour reach, and therefore he fctcheth Comparifons toex- preffe them, from the winds, and from the Clouds, ofwhole va- rious motions and interchanges, wecan give little account with all our skill. Thou liftefEmee up to the winde, thou caufißmee to rideopen it And diJolvef1 my Milano* VITZ difolvi The word fignifies, to melt, as mettall is melted in the fire; l gerjcere, de- and by a metaphor 'cis appiyed to the faylingofcourage, which Jtrui ad OA. is a melting ofthe mind. ( Sam, 14. i6.) And the watchnun luny redigí rear. jg- o f Saul in Gibeah a fTenJamin look ed and behold the multitude melted away, and they went on beating downe one another ; that is, their Courage fayled them, or their hearts fainted. The Prophet faith, ( Ifa. 64, 7.) Wee are Conlumed in our Iniguities,or (it is this word) wee are melted away in our Iniquities, our ftrength failes,our Comforts falle, our fpirts faile , every thing falles. This word is tiledalto (to anfwer the allulon before mentioned) tonote the melting ofclouds when they are diffolved into raine, or dropaway in fhowers. Thus faith Fob, that of mine which was moti fnbflantiail is diffolved and dropt away like a cloud. It is fayd (TM. a}6. ) He ( that is God) uttered his voyce, and the earthmelted. And againe, ( "hoot 9.5,) The Lordof huffs