Chap. 39. in Expoftion repo% the look of J o s. Ver{, 2Z. 207 hof.t is be that torcheth the Land, andit 'ball melt ; That is, both erfons and things fhall confume away. Thus every mans parti- ular death is called a diffotution, ( 2 Cor. 5. i. ) And the end of the world(which is a kind ofgeneral death)is called the diffo- lution of it, (2Pet. 3.1 i.) Seeing all thefe things (that is,the hea- vens -and the earth with all their fubftance) ¡hall be difolved'; what manner ofperfons ought we to be, &c. All worldly fubftances íhall one day be diffolved ; And lob in his day of trouble could fay to God, Thou di f olveli my ubflance. The word is of a very various andComprehen(ve fignifieati- ,`('tierí Urear'a on. Some eranfiate it nifdoire : thou difolvef my wifdome, as ceroa rQUO importing his affliFtion was fo great that his veryunderflanding vendi,fap enra' was at afund, or that he was doted, as we fay, and rendred una- ble to make ufe ofhis reafon,as ifhis meaningwere,thou bringefl mee to my wits end. The Pfalmift (Pfal.107.2,7.) defcribing the dreadful) dangers and wondorfull deliverances of Marriners, or Sea men, faith, Thrf reel to andfrc,, and flagger like a drunken man, and areat their witsend : we put in the Margin, Ali their wifdome i fwallowed up ; As the men themfelves, Ship and all are N.bil mibi ra ready to be fwallowed up ; fo their wits aremany times fwallaw- timrb' atct ed up with feare and amaz:men-,before the Ship is fwallowed up P'a"crrPti ro- b the waves of the Sea. Thus g b is conceaved to fay, his manes- <° me S geramfedpane wifdome was fwallowed up, he knew not what to doe, nor how inope mentis tocarry himfelfe: He feemed now brought to a farre worfe Con- !um, one amens dition then he was in ( Chap. 6. 13. ) when he fayd, Is n't my l a °tl fkb. Merv- /wipe in mee ? and is wifdome driven quite from mee ? doe you thinke I have no rearm nor underftarding about me ? but here (according to this reading) his wifdome was driven quite from him, Thou haft diffolved,or melted donne all my wildorre, I am not able to make ufe of it ; or ( as others read it) Thou haft dif folved, or feperated mee from wifdome : The meaning of both is but one, I know not what to.refolve or doe in this cafe. Secondly , The words are eradiated thus ; Thy wifdome, or Di¡j °t-ir u: thy appointment hachJiff lved met, According to this reading we ocio feu orfár: may conceave lob (peaking thus; In al/this l'unr1 of aging;, when natio tua, Iam carried rap enddonne, Iknow not b,:w, nor whether, andamArt: one alto or er.confasfed,jet thou,O god, ac`fefttoward twee in wif- dome, ,