Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

108 Chap. 3o. An -Expofition upon the Booke of J o s. Vetf.zZ, dome, thy wifdome bath diffolved mee ; or than heft diffelved wee 1o1ifely. True, Lord, I am altogether at uncertainties, as one toff fed rxich the winde, but it is by a lawfrom thee, by thy rule or tatute .'- that it is fo. I am eiufettled, bat it isfelled in heaven that 1 fheuld befo; 1am its a very fleetingcondition, äse a thing harried er moved by the winde, but thou haft tftablifhed it by an immoveable decree that 1fhouldbe tlevo, A divine appointment hash diffolvedmee; that's a good fence. ltgetn Thirdly, Thus,Thon haft difolvedwy ¿eeree, purpofe or appoint. & decretem mene,that is,thou haft broken my courfe oflife,and put me befide mown. i.e. me- my intended method ; thou haft declared thy felfe unfatisfied am vivendi ra- with my way, and hadft not approved what I propofed to doe, btfoaffrei, m non pre- and fo upon the matter, haft gratified mine enemies, who have impfeta- tis damnarti, /try hard thoughts ofmee, and cenfure mee as an evil! doer ; I had fuppticio affeci- decreed in my felfe what to doe , andhow to mannage all spy Ili. vacabl: trollsand concernments; But thou haft fenne it good to refcind, or nullifiewhat I decreed, and take mee off by thefe continued troubles, from all my intendments. Those diffolvef my decree. Fourthly , According to our reading ; Thou diffolvef my fuljance : Is plainly this; Thou makeft my bodyly ftrengh to melt awes, as alto theftrengtb ofmy eftate. A mans worldly goods andpof- feflìons are commonly called his fubfiance : thou haft melted a- way my friends, my children,my fervants, my cattel, my power, my honour, my all ; I havenothing left of this world that can be called fubftance. My body, which is left, is but the skeleton of a body, and my life which yet remains, is but the fhadow of a life ; Thou diffelveft my fubftance. Hence note ; There is nothing fo durable, or la4Eing amongall thegood things of this life, but god can melt anddilfelve it quickly. Though a mans fubftance be fo comps&, and well fetled, that it fames unmoveable, or not to be fhaken , yet howToone cloth it move, yea melt under the afliiding hand of God. That which is as bard as Adamant, melts like waze;before the fire. What the Prophet fpake in reference to the mountaines or powers ofthe earth, which troubled the peace, or hindered the Comforts of Sion, EIcis utilif lo. arnfubffantta. Jun: