Chap. 30. An Expefition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 22. 2139 Sion, ( Ifa. 64. I.)0 that thou woulds rest the heavens, that thon wouldefl come dowse ; As ifhe had fayd , Lord take to heart the wrongs andindignities which thine enemies bane put upon thy people, at alfe the blaffrhemies which they have belched out boldly a- gainfi thy A'Iajefiy ; Lorddoe not hold thybandany longer,6ut come dowse likeatrorme oflightning and thunder, filledwith a holyfury andjufi indignation, as if thou didFt rent the veryheavensfor hail to beamong ut. O that now thou wouldefi thue thew thy felfe here on earth, and not alwayes confine thy dreadfull power to heaven. But what would be theeffeú of fuch an appearance ? The next words tell us, That the mountaines might flu dowse at thy pre- fence. There mountaines are not to be underftood properly, but metaphorically, for the great things, or great men of the world, thofe things and powers which are mott Compa& and Confoli- dated by the belt skill and policyofman into a mountain,or into many (inmans Judgement) impregnable mountaines,flow down like piles of fno .v at the prefence ofGod. Mott mountaines are of a hard mafïiie, Come ofa rocky fubftance,yet thefe flowdowne like a ftreame at the angry pretenceof God. It is ufuall to 1cc waters flowing downe from mountaines ; but,to feea+mountaine flow downe likewater, to fee rocks melt and diffolve like waxe is miraculous. Yet faith the Prophet, the very mountaines (hall flowdowne at thy prefence, that is, thou diffolveft the ftrength of the mountaines, ofthe great menof the world, and they be- come like a liquid ftreame, or (fo the Prophet himfelfe explaines it, y. z.) As when the melting fire bnrneth, the fire caufeth the waters to boyle, to make thy name knowne to thine adverfaries, that the nations may tremble at thy prefence. If the Lord can make mountaines melt like waxe or fnow before the Sun or fire, furely thole things which are molt fubftanriall (hall vanith as a fhadow, as a nothing at the word ofhis power. There are but few things fo fubftantiall that they will a- bide;and cannot be diffolved: fpiritual things,the favour of God, his grace to us, hisgrace in us, our Intereft in Chrift, theft can never be diffolved. Though the mountainesbe removed, ( faith God) yetl will never diffolve the Covenant of my peace, that Ifa. 5'4. to: (hall Rand for ever ; every thing (hall be diffolved,but not that. ( Pro. 8. za . ) Solomon faith, The Lordwit make hie people to In- herit fubfance,that is,they(hall have that which is worthyofthe B e name