210 Chap.3o. An Expofition upon the Boole of J O B. Verf.2 3 name of fubftance; there is a fubftantiality in their Common mercies, much more in their peculiar and diftinguifbing mercies. Worldly men doe not Inherit fubftance , The beft.of their fub Rance is like a fhadow; but God giveth his people fubftance. And hence The old Saints Cooke - jfally the ff oyling oftheir goods, knowing in themfelves that they i. a-i in heaven, a better and an en- duringfubfiance, (Heb. i o. 34. ) a fu'>ftance that would abide wind andweather, fire and water, the greateft tryalls, and re- maine undiffolved, yea untoucht. But whether the Lord deale out judgements to thewicked, or chaftifements, to his children, he Toone diffolveth all their worldly fubft ance; whatfoever. the world accounts molt fubftantiall, cannot Rand before his decree. ofdiffolutinn. Verf. 23: For I know that thouwilt bring mee to death, and to the kettle appointed forall living, Fir I know: That is, I ám fully perfwadcd, of this thing, 70b had a knowledge offaith, not only that Chrift lived ( chap. in. z$. I know that my redeemer lveth) but that himfelfe fould die. So the Apofile ( , Cor. y. a.) I know that when the earthly Tabernacle ofthishsufefhall bediffolved, &c. `Paul fpeaks of tht., knowledge offaith, which isafTurance, and as he knew or was affured that when the earthly houle of his bodily Tabernacle Shouldbe diffolved,he had a building ofGod,an houfe not made with hands et rnal in the heavens; fo heknew or was affured. chat the earthly tabernacle of his body (hould be diffolved, And when j eb faith, Iknow that thon wilt bringmee todeath,this notes not only that which is very lure and certaine in it felfe, but that ; which he himfelfe was affuredof, and that with ;a kindeof roll and delight ; he 1pake of it as ofa thing that he took pleafure in, as if he had layd , 'Ter my Comfort toremember, that thou wilt; bringmee to death. I know that thou wilt bring mee to death. The Hebrew is,That thou wilt make mee returne ; But he had not been dead before, how thencould he returne to death ? To avoyde thisTeeming difficulty, Tome expound thole words, thou wilt make mee to returne, thou wilt make mee come or goe to death For fo in Scripture to returne is as much as to come ; but