Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap.3o. An ,xpofition upon the Rook of JÒ s. \ erf.?3. 2tz__ but there is a great,Elegancy in it, ifwee take it accordingto the Hebrew,thou wilt make mee to returne, and underftand it thus ; Thou wilt reduce mee back again unto the earth. For though, rob when he fhould dye could not in congruity offpeech be fayd Redirt ponirur to return todeath,or the grave,becaufe he had neither been dead po venire voi nor buryed,yet whenhe fbould dye, he might be fayd (not only ire.Rurtu.i a. congruouflybut very fignificantly) to returne to the earth, or to the duff, becaufe he was once (in the firft Adana) there and taken thence before. Hence note; Death brings us back, to what wee once were, and ¡iewes to what weeare. So the fentencewas given ( Gen. 3. I7.) Duft thouart, and to daft thou(halt return. (Ecclef. 12. 7.) The dull ¡hall returne to the earth as it was, and the ffiirit [hall return to Clad that gave it ; mans body is duft materiallywhile he lives, and when hedyes his body goes to its owne , the duff, and becomes duft formally. (P¡al. 90.3. ) Thouturneft man to deffruttio a ;that is, to death, ( Death is the dcftrudionofall men as to their bodyly compofi- tion and outward enjoyments, inwhich fence'ris alto fayd, (Ifa. 57. a. ) that the righteous peril; when they dy., thus Moles faith of God, Thou turneft man to defítrsoEtion) and fayeft, returne yes Children ofmen. God having turned man to death , prefently faith, returneyee Children ofmen, that is,goe beck into what you were, returne to the duft. Some expound that place by an Irony, Thou turneft man to deftruáion, or thou fayeff toman dye, and then returne, quit thy (elfe from death as well as thou canft; corne back ifthou canft ; but I rather take it in the former fence, implying that by death man is Converted into his owne princi- ples. Some render robs text fo ; Death will reftore mee (that is ) Mort reffitxet to what Ionce was : ifwee confider the dominion of death over me. Tygur. man, in reference to the Rateof Innocency, fo it is a tyranny, for death takes poffeffion ofthat which was not its own.ManWas at firft fer up in a poffibility not to dye ; but if wee Confider man as fallen,and as under that Law which God gave ; Duft thou art, and to AO thou ¡halt returne. Thus death loth its duty, and brings us (by the appointment of God) back againe to what wee once were, that is toduff. E e