Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An expofltion upan the Rook of Jo t. Verf. ter, but ufually for the worfe ; Though there is nothing more certaine then what the Rate ofagood man is, and fha!! be in the thoughts of God,yet there is nothing more uncertain, then what he fhall be in the thoughts of men. Hence take thefe two inferences ofadvice. Firf,Be not lifted up,by theapplaufe and approbation ofman, be not much taken with their good word, and efteeme. Saints mutt learne to efteeme themfelves,b the efteeme they have with God. The Apoftles approved, themfelves as the Mizvtters of God, not only, in much patience, in ofittions, in xecr f ties, &c. But, By thearmour of righteoufnef e, on the right land, and on the left, by honour, and dijhonour, 'byevill report , aYdgood report. Honour among men, is one ofthe greatett tryals ofman. An ill report is very burdenfome, and 'cis no eafie matter rightly to beare ; a good report, Astbefiningpot is to theftiver, fe is a man to his praife (Prow. 27.21.) that is, (as the (cope ofthe pro- verbe carries it) fo is praife to a man. He that is praifed, is not only muchapproved, but much proved ; This finingpot, will in- deed try what metall he is made of. As praife is due to worth, fo it makes a difcovery ofworth ; And looke what worthlesneffe, what droffe, or lightnefíe is in any mans fpirit,praife will difcover that alto. Secondly , Seeing there is fuck a changableneffe in the judge- ments; and opinions ofmen ; Then, as wefhould not be lifted up with their applaufe, fo not calk down by their defpifings ; (Ifa. 2.22.) Ceafeyefromman, whole breath is in his nrirills, for wherein is ha to be accountedof, his praife is not to be accounted of, nor is his reproach, his good will is not much tobe accounted of, nor is his difpleafure. We are not to rejoyee much in what man candoe, or fay for us, nor are we to be troubled much at what hedoth, orcandoe, at what he faith, or can fayagainft us, while weare innocent. Again , Confider, 7o6 was inan afflitied condition, when they that wereyounger then he, badhim in derifion. Hence note. A change in our outward condition, caufeth many to change their opinionsconcerning au. C 2. While