Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap,30. As expofition upon the soak of ,ÿo s. Verf. r. a9 pang, yea fuch as were (carte fir for the company of beafts, or tech as were not fit for their company who are placed and rec. kon'd amongft the lowegof beafts, or of thofe who are lower then beats, dogs ; And thofe dogs too, the lower fort ofdogs ; not fuch dogs, as the Lord or Mafter of the family delights in for hauking and hunting, nor fuch as the Miftreffe of the gamily fometimes lays in her lap where the children (hould be, and where fhe would potíibly difdaine to lay a poore mans childe, but they were more defpicable then (as we fay) an ordinary Shepheards turre. Thirdly, We may expound there words as exprcf ig the unfitneffe ofthofe perfons,for any bufinefs or offi,e ; as if 7c6 had layd, I would not truft themwith the keeping of my (beep, or I would rather trutt my flock of (beep with my dogs, then with them ; my dogs would be morecareful! and ferviceable then they. Fourthly , When Sob faith , whofe fathers Iwouldhave dif- iodigni quibrt dained to havefet with the dogs of my flock: we may give the canon cuffodia fence thus; Iwould sot make them my dog-keepers, or I would not committsretur, vel fie them over mydos So fome expound that of Abner z Sam.3. qui caner ,/ ) g P ( curarent.Ghry- 8.) Am I a dogs-head, &c. that is, Am I a dog keeper, am I Ge- f,,ft. nera! or Commander ofdogs,rather then General of anArmy ? Nam nie pra- Am I fo meant I This expofition fuits well with the words fol, fctFum cantóut lowing. For wherein could thefirength of their handsprofit me ? exrf(tmat Here it may be queftioned, whether it did become lob to (peak thus contemptiblyofmen, though his contemners ? May any man fpeak thus of men ? or think them not fit to Et with his dogs, or to be fet over his dogs ? may a man prefer his dogs before men ? What though they were poore , and nought, yet as men they were above all beafts ; yea as good as any man in their general (tate or nature, as men. The meaneft beggar, hath as much ofmanhood, or ofhumanity ftridly taken, as the grea- teft Prince, why then doth lob fpeak thus difdainfully of them here ? In the former Chapter he fpake in another tone of the poore, he was a helper to the fatherleffe, he defpifed none for their low eftate. I anfwer, 7o6 did not difdaine them, becaufe poore, he only thews what kinde of poore they were who derided him, even fuch as would imploy, co not to keep fhtcep ; He dcf- D a dained