Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

'Chap. 3o. As Expofition upon the Book? of JO B. Verf. 3. Sin drives all men into. a wilderneffe ,, though not in a proper, yet in a figurative fence; Sin drives all that live and continue in it into a wilderneffe , or oiefolate Condition , into a bewildcr'd troubleforne Condition, wherein (as in a wilderneffe) there is noway ; no plaine way towalke in , and no cleare way to get out. Sin leads into trouble, but (hews us no way out ofour trou- ble : It brings us into a bad condition, and there it leaves us, till Chrift, who is the way, the truth, and the life, dire&s us the true way to life. Sin pcomifeth men a Paradife, and that it will lead them int a plea "ant Land, into anEden, into a garden ofGod, but indeed fio bads them into awilderneffe, into a perplexed Rate , where they meet with nothing but bryars and thornes, withnothing but Serpents and Scorpions, with nothing but that which is grievous and vexatious. What f?uit have ye then in chafe things whereofye are now afhamed( faith the Apoftle,Rom.6. z t. even then ye had no fruit but fuch as grows in a wilderneffe, wild and unfavoury, yea poyfonous and deadly, as it follows in that place, for the end of chafe things is death. Sin is a fpirituall death, and the end ofit is eternall death ; That's a howling wit- derneffe indeed, out of which there is noway. Againe, From this defcription of a wilderneffe, ( what's a wilderneffe ? 'cis waft and defolate) we fee reafon to be thank- full that we are not in one, and to remember thofe that are ; that either are in a wilderneffe, or in a wilderneffe condition, either as having nothing at all, or as having loft what they had. We live in a paradife , while manybetter thenwe live in a wil- derneffe,, let us bleffe God that we have a pleafant anda Corn. fortable Land todwell in, and that we Enjoy fo many mercies and Comforts (aswe doe at this day ) in our Land. In this verfe we fee wicked men fleeing into the wilderneffe; hi the next we ¡ball fee what provifion the wilderneffe affords them ; and then we (ball more fully fee the goodneffe of God in keepingus outof it. JOB 3©.