Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

,}g. Chap. 3o. An Expofition upon the Booke of J o s. Vcrfq, rt They cut up mallows- by the bother; and yunifer roots for their meat: The roots ofmany treesare eatable, as feverall Authors, with experience teftifie ; but Juniper roots are thought very hard meat, ifat all mans-meste. We read ofa City (Nom. 43. 18. called Rithmah from Retham ( the word here ufed) becaufe'cis fuppofed many Jüniper trees grew about it, or neare to it. When it is laid here, They cut up juniper roots for their mute, we are not to underhand that theydid it ofchoice, but for need; or of neceflìcy ; they were forced to it, becaufe they had no choicer food ; fome out of a meere wanton humour, chufe to care uncouth meates, but thefe didBate Juniper roots for want ofbetter. TheSeptuagint, poffibly, being unfatisfied that Juni- R4dcer ligno, per roots cou!d beeaten and digefted into nourifhtneut,tranflate rum maadutx- the Text not particularly ofthe roote ofthis tree, but generally, bant proper They did ease the roots oftrees through the extremity of their pe- tragr:am fe- nary and oreing hueger.Bur'ris a greater liberty then becomes a mem. tranhater, to render that ofany kind, which the textreRrains by Dubiont non eft quam plkrima an expreffe fpecification to one, efpecially Peeing both the expe- radreumgenera rience ofCome, and the reafonofothers, have made it out, that heminis ufki even loch roots beingwell prepared and drefled may be eaten. deft;vire: at There is yet another readingof this claufe , which quite el;. ex lilit fuif/e radices Juntpe- capes this Difficulty. ri non reperio, nee mihi facile They cut up mallows by the bufbes, and 7suniper roots to perjuadeo ; fed warme them[elves by. mediate tj an- te ci. bun vtl in pa- The word which we renier for their meat, or bread, they de- rempveparatat rive from a roote which fignifieth, to heare, or to warme. And I o tJiciari nolue- find it fo ufed(I[siah 47. 14. ) Behold they ( that is, the Aftro- vrn. Bold. logers, Starre- gazers and monethty Prognoftieatours fpoken of Sontqui /count, i radices Junipè- n the former verfe) }?call be ashobble, thefire /hall borne them, rorumad calan- they fball not deliver them/elves from the power of the flame : dit :ut 1: 1t7 There /ball not be a coale to warms, at , nor fire to fit before it. fit Geruutium" As if robs meaning were, they had mallows for meat, and Juni- a CCri 6' le- nlreftr}ervile, per roots for fire to hurtle and warme themfelves by. Some re- FeOcrç, port,