Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. oo. In Expofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf. 5. 55 Hence note Sloathfull perfons are to be numbred among theeves ; they who willget nothingfor them,elves by labour, fleale all they have from others. Vagránts may well be liftedamong robbers, and therefore to nourifh Idle perlons is to nonrifh theft ; to fuccour lazy poore, is not fo mucha relieving of their wants, as a trengthning of their vices. And as Idle perlons are to be ranked with theeves ( though poffibly, theydoe tipt fiea!e, either by outward force, or by ferret fraud) So Idlenelíe makes many theeves; They who will keepe their hands from labouring and working, !hall hardly keepe them from picking and healing. 'Tis laid of thefe men in the Text (v. i.) that they were not fit to be let with the dogs of a flock, and (v. 2.) that theflrengeh of their hands tumid to noprofit; And here, They cryed after them ets after a thiefe. Secondly , note Theeves in all ages have been a hatfull generation among men. Thus it was in fobs dayes, They purfued. theeves (as we lay ) with Hue and cry through Towne and Country. Theeves are enemies to mankinde, like droanes in the Bee- Hive, that fink out the honey, but make none; they fleale away what others labour for. I intend not to infift upon the iniquity of that fin, there is a plaine command againft ir, ( Exod. 20. IN. ) Thou f/salt norfleale. And the Apoftlescountel is (E'ph.4.28.) Let him thatfiolefleale no more, but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good. Stealing is hateful! both to God, and man ; The light of nature is againft it, and re- proves it, while the corruption of nature is for it, and prole- cures it. In all age; propriety bath been maintained, and tire. fore theeves excluded. Ifthere were no owners, there could be no theeves. God orders all things for the good ofmankind, that we might live in peace, and doirgour own hufirefs, might eate our own bead.. They cryedafter them as after a tháfe. VP:f. 6.