68 Chap. 31, An Expofitiosi :pox the Broke of J o B. Verf.3 3, verygreat aggravationof their fins, that they did not hide their fins? I anfwer, There is a twofold not hidingof fin ; Firf?l, there is a not hiding which proceed -, from repentance ;Secondly, there is another fort ofnot hiding of finne, which proceeds from impu. deace;or diereis anot hidingof fin which proceeds from a broken heart and there is anot hiding of fin that proceeds from a bra zon face, from a b-ow of brate. That's the meaning ofthe Pro- phet when he reproves thole debauched Jewes becaufe they did not hide their fin hee reproves them for their impudence, that when they had done wickedly, they boafted of it, and held it forth, they cared not who knew it ; therefore faith the tzxr, she, declare th:i, fin RI Sodome; they did not declare their fan as the mourners in Sian from an humbled heart and a contrite (pi:it; but they declared their fins like the filthySodomites. We are like to have a goodly paterne ofrepentance from Sodome s where all were wicked, except Lot andhis neereft relations. By.two forts of men the fin ofthe world is mightily highrned ; Firft, Some are to debo} ft that they will not hide their fins : Secondly, others are fo hy'pocritical-i that they use all the courfes they can to hide their fins ; Not to bide sur fin through impudence,and to hide h in hypocrite, are alikeabominable in the fight of God : and that's it which 7-0b labours to purge him lelfe from, as much as from un. cleanneffe, oppreflîon, covetoufnefe, or any other aet of fin be- fore fpecified. Fourthly, As lab In (peaking this would deny the hiding and covering ofhis fin, fo hee affirmes the Confeflìon of it, as was {hewed in the explication ofthe text. So that here is more in- tended then expreft ; when he faith hee did not cover, his mean- ing is, he difcovet'd his fin ; when he faith , hee did not hide it, his meaning is, hee did difclofe it:. Hence obferve. Agodly man dothnot only not bide, but is ready to confeffebit finne. Mee makes confefíï,on that he may be-freed from condemn:. Lion ; fo fome underhand that ( 43. 26.) Put me in remem- brance (faith the Lord, that is, mind me, both ofmy promifed tsiereies, and of thy provoking tranfgrefiions) let ads plead toge. Over