.702 Chap.31, An E'xpnfrticsa upon the .tl a; of . o as. Verf.33, n and cover but one, all are as if they were covered ; as theA- pof4le 'fames fpeasesabout trait greflïou,Hee that keeps the whole Law, and offendi inany one poynt, ea guiltyofall (J tusos 2 .1.0. ) Sohee that confeffeth all his fins, and hides one,batfa hid all and ronfeft none. But you will fay, is it poffibic for a man to confeffe all his finnes -? I anfuor ; Wee may confeffe them all as to kinde, though not as to Individuali particular Acis ; for indeed they are more in number then the haires of our.head ; They are innumerable, wee cannot reckon them up. As wee cannot reckonup all the mercies ofGod in the particular acts of them towards us yer wee may reckon the fpecies or kinds ofthe mercies ofGod to us; So 'cis in the confeflion of fan. Aaron was commanded (Levis: 16.21. ) to lay both his hands upon.the headof the live goat, and to scnfff:e over him all the iniquities ofthe Children of I/rael; and ail their tranfgre/ficns in all their genes. Secondly ,- Wee mutt nor hide but confeffe our fpeciall fins in a Ipeciall manner ( ex ,d: 32. 3 1. ) el tad Ad /es returned unto the Lord, and laid, O this people havefinned agreat fin, and have made them gods cfgold. Wee have a like forme ofconfcflìon (t Sam: 12,19 ) And aflthe peoplefail unto Samuel,Tray for thyfervants tonto the Lord thygod, that rre di not; for we have added to all our fins, this evil!, to aike us a king. So faith 70b, If ¡have hid me tranfgre ant ; or, hid mine iniquitie in any bo¡-me;: that is, thoie tranígrefíìons, or ehiu iniquity which may secme to blare a grea- ter title to mee, or Ito it ,'than any other fin committed by me ; if I have not made fpcciall confeffion of my Ipéciall finne, then, &c. Thirdly, ThatConfeflîon which is opposed to the covering offin, takes innot only the body offin, or as f may fay,the mat- tier ofit, but all the feverall Circut>aftances and aggravations of it. There is an Iniquity offin, as David fpeakes (Tfal. 32.5. ) Thou forgávefg the iniquity ofmyfin,;. hee doch not only fay my fin,but the Iniquitie of my fin,he (peaks of the finfullneffe of fin; and the Prophet tells lfrat 1, In thyflit hinefe ie letvdneffe ( Ezek: 14. 13. ) This Jewdneffe or Iniquityof fin arifeth from the con- fideration ofchofe circumftances with which it is cloathed. Thus Es,ra at once hightens both the merey.of God to the Jewes, and their