Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

0 704 Chap. 31. An Expofitioa aapors the Book of o B. Verf. 33 on fin, fo another uponUlna. Mile& faith be m:xtd with out conic f ions of fin, our fins remaine covered with that black va',le of the wrath of Go to condemnation, not wi.h that blefred vayle of the mercyofGbd in the righceoufneffe of Chrift to Jo- llification. 7udas confett his fn, Ihave done evill inbetraying In. necent blood( Math: 27. 4, ) and here's the money (laid hee ) take it among you, l'le not keepe a pony ofit ; (many will vomit up their unjuft gaine, the gaine of opprtflion, when it burdens them, they'le throw it back as did) but aE laas had no faith to mingle with his confeflïón ; be did not confeffe beleevingly, but defpayringly, Flee went and bang'd himfelfe. As the word of God which forbids the committing of in,doth not profit us, ut- le(fe it be mingled with faith, fo neyther doe our owne words,by which we confeffe fin, and prof( ffe our repentance for it, pleaC God, unleffe they are mingled with faith. God never covered a- ny fin gracìoufly,which was nor cu.nfeffed beleevingly. IfIhave covered my tray fgrtl i,no, by bidingmine iniquity in my bofome. Here it is mine iniquity, as before my tranfr,refrono. From there poff five and aptropriating wo ds in the text, my, and, mine, If I have covered My rraaa,rgrtffions, and hid Mine Inigroity. Obferve. Every man, even theheft of menhave [owe fins more prculiar to them then otherfns are. Agood man, even a7 b, bath Tome tranfgrefliion, forne ini. quity, ofwhich hee may fay, This is myeranfgrr f on, this is mine Iniquitie. David fpake inthe fame language ('Pfau: a 8. 23.) I silfo was upright beforehim (that is, before the Lord ) and Ikept my felfefrom mine Iniquity. Davidhad the feed ofall fin in him, but there was Tome fin that was Davids fpecial fin,there was fome fin that dogg'd, and haunted, and vext him more then many ; now, faith hee, my labour was and in the uprightncffe of my foule it was my great labOur, to keepe wf felfefrom mine Iniqui- ty that is, from that Iniquity towhich my heart bath oftenbeen folicited, and by which I have been ruoft endangered. And as particular perfons, fo whole nations have been char-. pd with their fpeciall fins. The Charac?Yeriftical finof the Ifrae- lites