Chap. 31. An Expe tion upen the Baeke of J o a. Verf. 33, 7of liter was Idolatry, they were a people extreamly prone to falfe worfttip. And the Apoftle Paul ( Tit: a. x2. ) gives this Cha- ceder of the Cretiane out oftheir owne Poet ; They arealwayes ijart, evil! beaff.r, flow belyet : That nation was extreamly given to lying and to floath. And it appeares by the Epiftles of 'Paul to the Cerinthiant, that they were extreamly given to unclean- neffe and wantonneffe. Why fhould the ApolVe fo often touch upon that firing,and give councel againft that fin,had it not been the fpecial fin of that people. The Germans have been taxed for drunkenneffe. The Spaniard with pride, avarice, and defire of domication : other nations have had their markes, and I might fay my hand allo upon our owne, though indeed many fins ap.. peare fo Nationall among us, that it is hard to fay which is our Nationall fin. The feedofall fin ( experience Thews) is in every particular perfon ; and the corruption ofnature is procreative of any tin whatfoever (there is not the blackeft fin that ever was committed in the world, but there is fomewhat in the nature of every manout of which that fin might be formed and produced ) yet corruption as in this man one way, in that another. As the earth bath a feminalvertue in it to bring forth any thing, yet one ground beares fuch a fruit, luch a graine fpeciatly; So though there be the fame common finfulnefs inall men, yet that puts it felfe forth in much variety, in fome it appeares molt in pride in others bycovetoufneffe, in a third fort by wrath, in a fourth by wantonneffe. The bodyof man bath in it the feed of all difeafess yet onemans body is mofe fubjed to leavers,, and anothermans to the dropfie.'Tis thus alfo with the foule or mind demo. And this proclivity ofmen to any fpeciallfin arifech. Fill-, From the Conftitutionof the body; thereare fcme fins which are fpeciall to thole that are melancholy, force to thole that are linguine, fome to thofe that are phlegmatick, fome to thofe that are Cholerick; The temperament ofthe body bath a great influenceupon the manners ofthe minde. Secondly, Specials fins follow others from the enure and conditionoftheir lives ; Onecalling leads to this fin,and another to that. For though the fault be not in the calling, yet there are peculiar opportunities, oceanon', and temp.ations in every cal- ling. Now as Aftrologers teli us ofbad Con;undions of Planets, fo it is a bad Conjunctionwhen a mans Inward Corruption and Xxxx out- ,.:i iNil