7O5 Chap. 3 t. An Expofttion upon sloe Book,e of J o a. Verf.33. outward Condition Joyne together, to leadhim into the fnarc of any fin. Upon thefe and fuch like grounds every man hath fome fin or other more peculiarly his. As every godly man hath the root of all grace in him yet he finds this or that grace more alive in him then another , which may be called his fpecial grace,as faith was Abrahams (pedal grcce,and patience ?ohs &c, fo it is likewife with refpeâ to fin. Sixthly , Obferve. Though'ob,or anygully rtan may havefosse fpecialfin to which bee se morefoibjeíl then to any other fin, yet he kath no beloved finne. There is a vaft difference between thefe two; A fpecial fin and a beloved fin. David had a fin, and lob had a fin, which was his fpecial fin, but neither of thefe had any fin that was their belo- ved fin ; they had no fin which they hid in their bofome. And therefore in this text while ?ob calleth fome fin or other Hie ini- laity, bedenyeth that he had any beloved fin ; for, faith he, did I hide it is my bofome ? did I thew any favour to it ? did I cover it and keepe it warme ? no, I did riot. Abeloved fin lyeth in the bofome ( as the Difciple whom Jefas loved leaned in his) and next the heart of a carnal man. A godly man hath many fins, yet he hath not onebeloved or bofome fin; Hemay have a fin to which his will inclines, and his affeâions run oat ftrongly, yet he bath no fin which he beares any good will to, or doth affect. Tea that which is the fpecial fin of a godly man, is his fpecial burden ; it is not delighted in, but lamented;there is no finwhich coils him fo much forrow as that towhich either the temper of his body, or the occafions of his life lead him. That fin which he finds his heart molt fet upon, he fets his heart, his whole foule molt againft. The Scripture gives much evidence that `David (though a man after Gods owne heart) was very apt to fall into the fin of lying : wee readof his faultering in that kind, whenhe was in ftraights and hard put to it, more then once ; but it is as cleare in Scripeure,that his heart was fet againft lying,and that it was the griefe and dayly burden of his foule: that linne is a mans greatetl burden and griefe, which he prayes molt to be delivered from ; How earneftly did David pray to be deliver'd from the finoflying ( l'fal: I io. 19,) Kiepe mefrom she may of lying, teach