Chap. 31. An Expofttion upon the Books of J o a. Merl. 3 3. 709 is known or feene, and to hide it out offighr,areevidences both ideate and thong, that'ris abeloved one, Againe, From the text, Ifd leavecovered my tranfgreq7on at Adam, that is, as the flrft mandid. Obferve. via noon are naturally infested with the fin of the firff stem., there is thefame finfullnefe in all men nowa: was in the fir,ff manafter be had finned. Wee are apt to fin as Adam did, and to hide our fin as he did. We have thefame bad principle that he had, ifIhave coveredmy tranfgrefion ae Adam : old Adam is in our bofomes and in out bowels, wecarry him about us, andbee is continually provoking and flirting us up both to doe evil! and to cover ir. Lally , As the word Adam is taken appellatively ; IfIhave coveredmy fin at other men, that is, as men commonly doe. Note. esfa men are alike infin and!infrapreflieet, till grace make: the diference. What any one man doth all men would doe did not God change their hearts,and newmould their fpirits. It is common to man or mankinde to cover his fin,nor proper to this or that par- ticular man ; As in waterface anfwereth reface, fo (faith Solomon, "Pro. :7. 19.) the heart ofman to man. The General( corruption' of nature is alike in all men ; nor is there any (pedal' inclination to this or that lin, or way of tinning, in the heart of any mazy but others may be found with anfwerable inclinations. JOB 3 r>