Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

bYO Chap.3 i. An Expofrtion upon the Book of Jo s, Vert 34. 3-1V importar prava'entram CW711 !Ettore. J O B 31. Verf. 34. Did I feare a great multitude, ar did the contempt of families terrific me : that I f¿opt Hence, and went not out of the doore? jHis holy man 74 Hill proceeds to affert and maintains his integrity ; In the former verfe he bath (hewed us, that he had not coveredbit tran(greqion as Adam, by kidei»g hie inigaitie in his bofcme. And here he tells us, that he did not fears a great multitude, nor was he terrified with the contemptof families, into a finfull thence or forbearance to appeare when the duty of his place called him tocome forth and fpeake in a good caufe,I (hall open the particular termes, and then give out their fcope and fence more fully. Verf. 34. Did 1feare a treat multitude ? The word notes more then ordinary feare, even a twang pre- vailing feare, which puts the whole man into motion, or into a commotion rather, into a rout and concuflion of the fpirits and powers both of body and foule; Such are the effects of great feare. ¶Did I fears a great multitude ? Wee may expound it, Fitt, paffively, did 1fear*, that is, was I afraid of, was Iput into a tremblingfit forfeare of a great multi- tude ? Secondly, the word may be taken a&ively, to make afraid, to oppreffe, and breake withviolence. He that can breake and crufb all that (land in his way is a man to be feared. Andhence the Scripture faith (Tfal. 89.7. ) Gad is greatly to befeared in the affembly of the Saints. God is fuch a Majeftie, that all,even his owne people have reafon to quake and tremble at his pretence or appearance; and as he is dreadfull in his effentiall Majeitie, fo in the providentiall puttings forth and a&ings of that Ma;eflie. The Prophet tells us in what a wofull plight the inhabitantsof the earth, the highe(t ( not excepted) will be, when God deales with them (Ifa. z. 19. ) Theyfhallgoe into the holes of the rocket, and into the caves of the earth,for feare c f the L rd,anel for the glo- ry