Chap. 3 r. Ax expofltion upon tke Book of J oB. Verf. 3'.I 7 r ry of his Majeflie, wben be arifetlo to /hake terribly the earth. fob ufing another word ((bap. 9. 3 4. ) Deprecates this dread- full Majefty ofGod, or the puttings forth of his terrible power; Let him take awayhis rodfromme,and let not his feare terrifie me; and he expoftulates with God by the fame word (Chap. s 3. 25.) Wilt thou breake a leaf driven to andfro ? and wilt thou purfior thedry Rabble ? Wilt thou breake i Wilt thou (hake terribly, or crufh in pieces fuels a poore creature as I am ? Thus many of the NIoft learned interpreters tranflate here; Wee fay, Did I feare a great multitude ? They fay, I could make agreat multitude a- fraid , or as Mr. Broughtonrenders it I could oppreJ'e a great troop. Did I fear: a great multitude? The word fgnifieth the common rout,the prowsifcuous vulgar ; n.z.i t3 i who gather together like manywaters, as they are defcribed in significat 7áa. Scripture ( rte. 39. i r.) cad thevalley /hall be called the val- OXaçr, va/gr4 ley of HammGog ; that is, the valleyof the multitude ofGog. `Did mt nrq;uupkha Ifeare agreat multitude l quo: Grafi 7i'c Or did the contempt offamiliesterrifie me ? feftaxt. Dcut> There words are taken two wayes, firft, implying the anger and difpleafureoffamilies againfi him. Did the contempt or the veratb and rageof families landing and conspiringagainfi me ter- rifleme ? Secondly ,according to the other reading of the former words,Thefe latter are rendred thus ; I could oppreffe agreat mul- titude, but the contempt of families, (that is, the wand or moEt P contemned ofany family, the pooreft and loweft in the family,) co tempt. fïmut did terrifie me.Mr.Brcughtons rranflation caryeth the fame fence, vet abpetli. But fuck families as came to bafenes male me fhrinke, that Iwas cone inter ear. deimbe and went not out of doores. According ro tl. is rendrirg the Dru1 Abflrad is put for the Concreete.Tbe contem?: f families,ey ther eertè fry' fem for thole families which confidered together are most conceal muái:udinem g P' magn.m ),á tible, or for any fingle perlon of a family, who eyrher is by his de'fpeEli mui place or bath made himfelfe by his folly the mofi contemptible famaitarum ter- among them. There are fome in every family who by their place taea toe e- are the contempt or loweft of them ; There are others who gr,dte'ar ex o. though by their place they may be among the chicle of the farui- liio. Bozo ly, or principal branches of it, yet make themfelves the obi,et contempt. There