Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

7t Chap. 31. An Expojition upon the Rook of Jo a. Vari. 34 There are three wayes in which men may become the con- tempt ofthe family. Firft, by their povertie,and the meaneneffeof their condition though it be finfull to contemne the poore,yet ufually the poore ofa family are thecontempt ofit. Secondly, others are the contempt of families, becaufe of the weakneffe of their partsand gifts, becaufe oftheir ignorance,and want ofunderftanding. A mans abilities whether natural or ac- quired,efpecially gracious abilities raise him up inhonour and re- fpecg. Thirdly , Some are the contempt of families for their ill man- ners, for their lewd fcandalous and wicked courfes,thefe arewor- thy of nothing but contempt, both by thole oftheir owne fami- lies, and by thofe who are ftrangers to them. David a typeof Chrift fpeakes ofhim felfe as the contempt offamilies (fo lowwas Talon Muni- Chrift humbled for our fakes) ( PTA!. zz 6.) 1 am a a*orme and anus expriment no man : a reproach 4f men, andde(fifed of the people. Chrift was Greco !elfin- not only reproached among men, but a reproach ofmen, that is, nom s xsvn- under greateft reproach. David com laines a wine offuch acorn vcar,nullr_ P P g Eamon et/atine temptible Generation ( Pfal. 35. t5.) But in mine adverfitie dicere filet fox they rejoicedand gathered themfelves together; Tea the abjetts ga- p/e5, thered themfelves together againff me. Theoriginal word is not the fame ufed here by lob, yet it comes up fully tohis fence, im- porting fuch as wel deferved the whipping poft, even thrfe (faith he) gathered themfelves together againft me. Did the contempt offamilies &c. The word, families, may be taken two wayes. Fitt , To note thofe who were united to him in aneereneffe signiffcat (e by blood or by allyance ; As if he had fayd, I was not afraid to 1p Jonam difpleafe my neerett kindred and allyes for righteoufneffe or Ju- fuorum propin- Rice fake. quorum nee in- Secondly, Families may be put for men of great power, for ordinatè erg° men ofhonour, note, andname. And fo the wordfamilies, is op- fanguíne con. poled to themultitude, who are not taken notice of for name or le family. So tomeconceive this later part of the verle oppofed to z/fe. Pined: Y P PP' the former. Did 1fears agreat multitude, or did the contempt of families, ofthe greateft and higheft families terrific me ? Thus according to that double notion of the word Families, fob was nor