714 Chap. 31. As Expofirion upon the Books of J o s. Verf.34. fpeakeor doe. No, it was not thus with me, Iwas neverfo terrifi. ed that Ikept ftlenceand went not out of the doore. Again, as thefe words ate taken by way of negation ; 144 not krrDefilence, or 1 didnot keepe within dooree, though themulti- tude role upon me,or great families appearedagainf me ; fo they are taken alto in the fence ofa grant or conceflion,by chofe who expound the former part of the verfe naively; I could bave made agreat multitude afraid, but the contempt (or meaneft) offamilies terrified mefa, that Ineither fpake a word, norff irred aforte, but carriedmy felfe at a man af'amed and convinced when I fats the matter was not right. Having thus opened the words difiin Ily,I flaall propofe a three fold interpretation of them as they sand together. Firft From the come/lion with the verfe going before, where ?ob profeffed that he did not cover his fin; the fence is gi- ven thus ; Did I fe.zre a great multitude ? As if he had fayd,I was fo farre from covering any tranfgre(front, or hideing mine iniquitie in my bafeme, that if at any time Ibaddone amiffe,I didconftffe my errour,andwas not afraidnor afhamed todoe it,no not before agreat multitude. or did I cower myfin atbeing terrified with theeon tempt that Imight run into, if it were difccvered and knowne. Shamefrom man did not troubleme ;Beet ifIbaderred,I wa;free in the acknowledgement ofmy error ; Ikept not my fin in thence, nor did Icorceale my felfe at home. Idid morefeare god then any' Tatui ï. a no fhame men couldcat uponme, and bad rather fall under the con- axcu(avi pun tempt of amiliet by can a in myfin,then that he ould not be to mean ; Nec P ff I f$ 1 f Ih $. egrefi s fwt, rifted by my confeion. Or (asothers render the meaning of the oftium, sr fo- latter words in coraplyance with this interpretation; I was ( dent, drat, quo; poder that is,l did not excufe my fin 3 And I went not boldly out of my acs `tom`- doorei, but flayed at home, as dimmed of my felfe, for what I aára f?ruf: had done. Bence note. Igodly man, a man ofa tender confrience and upright fpirit, will not hidehie fin, Xi not forfeare a multitude (houldheart of it, or whole families fhouldcontemns and reproach him_, far it> Be can give glory to God, and take fhame to himfelfe: Thus ,fofbua c0unfell'd Achan (Jofh. 7. z9,) M) Son, give Ipray t glory