Chap. 3 t. do Expoftion upon the Book of J o I. Verf.34. 715 glory to the Lord godof I/reel, andmake confeffion unto him, and tellme what haft thou done, &c. As ifhe had fayd. Be not afraid that thegreat multitude, or thefamilies ofIfrael will de/pile thee, but give glory to God though thou lie in the duff. There are two cafes efpecially wherein we ought to acknowledge our fin even before ten. firf , In trouble ofconfcience, when we can get no cafe, no fatisfa&ion by prayer and feltfearching,when the foule finds no rest, but the fore runneth and putrsfieth, the wound ftinketh and is corrupt, as `David fpake in his owne cafe (Pfal.38.5.) In this cafe it is a dutie to lay open our fin to man. I doenot fay, to the multitude, but unto thofe who are wife and godly , either Mini- tiers or Chriftians. In a troubled darke condition,'eis dangerous to fhut up forrow in our owne breafts; feare of reproach and Marne from men fhorld not hinder us from difcovering the plagueofour heart to chofe that are difcreete and faithful!. Secondly, Ifmany have taken offenceat our fin, ifa multitude are fcandaliz°d at what we have done ; it is a dutie to acknow- ledge and coafeffe it, even before the multitude; That fo our re- pentance may be as publicke as our fin hathbeen , and fpread as faire as our fayling hath done. Secondly , Taking the former ciaufe aelively ; Icould have made agreat multitude afraid,or I couldeppre(fe agreat multitude ( which reading as I noted ) is much mulled upon by fome in= terpreters) yet the molt contemptible perfonofany family made me afraid, ifhe had Jultice on his fide ; I durft not ( the feareof God was upon me) appeare egainft him, or oppofe him in his caufe. This reading argues much holineffe, humility, and felfe- denyall in this righteous man. And it may teachus ; Firlt How much p ewerfoever a hill andgoodman bath in ilk hand, he will not life any of it to the wrong of any the pooreft man. He that is righteous knowes he bath no power, and finds be bath nowill but to doe righteous things. Laban fayd to 'Jacob ( gen. 3 r. 29.) It is in the power (f my band to dee you hurt ; fo he brsgg'dover acob ; And we doe not finde that Labans fpirit or principle flopped him from hurting 7,,,b ; for (faith he ) The Y y y y z god