Chap. 3 r. APS Expefition upon the Booms of J o B. Verl. 34. 717 not return unkindneffe where he bath received it, though he could eafily doe it ; They indeed know what it is to life power a- right,whowhen they need notfeare what amultitude can do again f them,yetfears to doe wrong to anyJingleperfon. As Paul fpeakes of Church. power (z Car. 13. 8.) So faith any godly man (what magiftraticall or military power leaver he hath) Icandoe nothing againft the truth,butfor the truth,I am for the truth (faith Paul) there I am agyant, but Ican doenothing againft the truth ; I have neither ftrength nor underftanding for that worke. So faith a godly man, though I could breake a troope,yet I will not breake a brnifed reed againft right ; I cannot lift up myhand, nor open mymouth, nor ftirrea footeagainft a righteous man, though in rages, or under my feete. And indeed it is weaknes, not power to doe any thingagainft the truth or righteoufneffe(Ezek.16.3 o.) Howweakeart thou%ing thou doe/I there things (what things were there, thedoing were argued weakues ? no good I warrant you, fo it followes in the fame place) the worker ofan imperious who- rijh woman. . Secondly, Note. It k a highcommendation and a,ffrong proofe of the truthand power ofgrace, when we Have apower to doe evifi and doe it- not, nor have any heart to doe it. Many want nothing but power to doe mifchiefe; theyhave a heart for it, but they have not a hand. If theycould but breake a troop and oppreffe the multitude, whom would they not op. prefíe? whom would they not terrifie ?the Lord reftraineth them in their power, tile they would ufe it to the utmoft. Thou wilt carafe thine ea-e to heare ( faith David, Pfal: to. r8.) To judge thefatherlefeand the opere ffed , that the man of the earth may no more opprefje,or (as we put in the Margin) terrifie. The man sf the earth ( that is, the man who is great and ftrong upon earth, or in earthly things) hath anheart tooppreffe, there is nothingwant- ing but leave and opportunity. When once he hath opportunity, he will not only opprefs,but aiwayes opprefs, he will never make an end of oppreffìng; and therefore the Pfal.mift prays that God would come and take order with him, that be may no more on- preffe; As if he had fayd, Lord ifthou letteft him alone, he nhl oppreffe more and more, even his evermore, yea he will not only oppreffe,