718 Chap.3E. An Expofttion span the Book sf J o a. Verf.34, oppreffe,but triumph and pridehimfelfe in his oppreftions, asbe is defcribed in another Scripture ( 'Ffal: ga. I.) why boaff`efl thou thy filfe inmi/chieft;0 mighty man ? (That's a Pfalme ofDavid, where Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul,and laid unto him,Da- vid is come to the houle ofAbimilecb) Why boefifff thou thy felfe in mifchiefe, o mighty man ( laidDavid then) Thegoodneffe ofGod cndureth continually. God bath all power in his hand, he could crufh all men as a moth ; He is God Al:nightie, able todeftroy whom he pleafeth, and when he pleafeth, yet the geodneffe ofgod endureth coarinualij.He is good,andhe loveth to be doinggood; whereas (v: 3. ) Then lout.!! evil more then good, and therefore eatercifett thy power in the doing of evil rather then good. si abieffiilims Againe; Takingthis interpretation, 1could breaks or terrifie a forti; hoe ed great multitude, Jet the contempt of families terrified me ; that is, ant venir, et vi If the meanett of the family did but advertife me wherein Ihad tionum mamma ;meta ad mono done wrong, I was afraid toproceed. it &quo animo Hence obferve. tali, tarsi nee contra tam ran dgodly man is willing to receive counfel or reprofewhere there tenth. Lavatt is taste, from the meaneflperfont. He lookes not upon the fpeakcr,but what is fpoken; nor Both he contemne what the contempt of families telleth him,ifhe tel- leth truth. It is fayd in that propheticall promife (Jfa. r E. 6. ) The Wolffkall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard /hall liedown sith the Kid, find the Calfand theYong Lion and thefatling toge- Cher, Anda littlechild fled lead them. Here's a Gracious tnetar morphofis;Tbey whowere wild and fierce as Lions, (hall be tur- ned into Lambs; They (hail have fuel a temeneffe and mildneffe ofSpirit, that a Title child may lead them. As if the Prophet had fayd; If the leaft (who areable) give counfel, if but a child give counfel, they will follow him in the wayof'righteoufneffe. As he that is godly and rightly principled, will not be led out of the wayof truth, holineffe, and righteoufneffe, by the diestes or dì- re&ions of the mod ancient Fathers (.Gray hayres command no reverence but (where they are a crowne ofglory) as being found in the wayes ofrighteoufneffe) fo if a lisle child, or the greeneft head thew him theway ofrighteoufneffe, he cannot but give re- verence and follow it ; or if a tide child thew him where be is goneout of theway, he is convinced and will not goe one ftep further