7/o Chap. 3 r. An Expofttion upon the Took of J o B. Verf. 34. Exctudir a fe charge ofthat office. 'Did Ifeare (faith he) agreat'multitude? mordinatum rí or did the contempt offamilies terrifie me, that I &optdente, and moron not out ofthe doore ?As if he had fayd,Tbeviolence ofthe peo- t1Hn perlCNlOY M, qni guidon ma ph never binder'd mefromdoing my dutie,nor did Iat any time gse xime Toler pro- eght ofmy way, left I/hould eìifpleafe the neareft of my ownefamily, (&lore ex rnub er thegreatef!families. It never troubledme who oppofed me, tvhe- utudine contra Cher confderedfor number, nearnefe, orgreatnrle, while Iwas fir FBtilnetn Tnln" Lettre. Aquin: lufliee: Thecon empt of any man did not make me keepe filence, norflayme in the haftfrom doingwhat was right and quill toall men. No man can doe good but henull have croffe motions, both from the flefb within him,and from flefhwithout him.We meete with molt rubbs,when we would walke in an even way.It feemes ?ob in the difcharge ofhis ofñce,raet with manyeven with a mul- titude ofoppofers,efpecially with oppofitionfrom the multitude, and therefore faith, DidIfeare agreat multitude ? Hence note. Firft, Themultitudeor generality ofmen,areprone to oppofe that which !egood, and thole who doegood. There is a principle of unrighteoufneffe in all men by nature, and molt men in their pra&ice oppofe that which is righteous. Wee find the multitudeoppofing thegreateft good worke that ever the Lord did, the fatting bis Son upon his holy hill of Sion. Thewhole worldofungodly men, both Princes and people were up in armes tooppofe this glorious worke of God.(Pfal.2. t,z.) Why doe the heathen rageandthe people imagine a vaine thong: The kingsof the earth fer themfelves, and the Princes take counfel to- gether, againfi the Lord and again,fez bis anoynted, faring, let ut breake their bands afunder. Obedience to Chrift is the worlds bondage, and they will get loofe if they can. And as in that, fo in other cafes , the people rage and imagine vaine things, when the heft things are in doing : They chat follow the multitude (hall feldome doeany thing that is good. When Mofes came downe from the Mount and charged Aaron with making that Idol; Aa- ron by wayofercufe tells him the peoplehad preffed him to make it (Exed: 32.22. ) And Aaron fayd, let not the anger ofmy Lord waxhot : thou knoweft thepeople that theyare jeton mifcbiefe ; for theyfayd ttnto.memake uegods,&c. Aaron (hould not have heard much