722 Chap. 31. An Expofition upon the Boobs of J © a. Verf.34; rude to condemne a righteous perfon againfi the didlate of his owne confcience and the light of his judgement. And we read (Nis t z.2.)How Herod hadkilled 7ames the brother of?obn with the;word ; Andbecaufe he jaw it pleafed the ?ewes he proceeded further to take Peter alfo, &c. Thus forme doe injuflice for leare of the multitude, and others togaine the love and good will of the multitude, care not to be both bloody and unjult. Secondly None. gully man, eff+rcìally agodly Magiffrate, will doejwf$ and rightectu things, though all the world rile up againff This is the honour ofMagifiracy, and by this they fhew them; felves Gods indeed, menvied by the Spirit ofGod , andacing in the power of God. Mrgiftrates fhould not yeild no notan haires breadth through the importunicie of a multitude. It is s- pina the duty of a private Chriftian to have feliowfhip with the unfruitful' workes ofdarkneffe, much more for chofe that are ira power. It is belt to get and keepe the heart fo eflab'ifhed, as nei- ther to doenor forbeare to doe for feareof the multitude, or for feare we bring (as we fay) fah about our cares, and an old houfe upon our heads. We fhould be refolute in a good caufe, though we purchafe to our felves the hatred of the whole world, And it is but needful' that we thould cat up our account aforehand a- bout this thing ; for while we fet our felves to refill evil' ( The moft being every where the wort) we are like tohave the whole world of evil) men our enemies. While fo many flatter them- felves,few or none can digeft reproofe,and buta few Juflice, from others. Againe , Confider the fecond branch of this were according' to the fecond acceptation of the wordfamilies. Thecontempt of families did not terrifie met. I ( faith lob) neyrher feared whole families, nor the headsor chiefes of families. Some poflibly can trample upon the multitude, and flight the common fort, but they feare the great ones. Hence note. Righteous men willdoe righteotu things, both in their publicke andprivate capacities, though they provoke the mighty, and run the haz i d oftheir botteff dilPleafure. Zimri