Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 31. An Expofttiorr span the Rook of J o a. Vert .3 4. 723 Zisori was a Prince of a chief e haute among the Simeonite.e 21Lumb. 25. t 5. ) yet Fhineas was not afraid toprovoke that great family in /frail, but in his zeale for the Lord thruft both him and Co:zéi his Harlot thorow the belly and flew them, and receaved high commendation from the Lord for doing it. The day of mans Juice fhould be like that ofthe Lords (poker, ofby the Prophet (IJa. Z. r z, r 3.) The day of the Lord of hffs (hall be upon every one that it proud and loft', andupon every one that is ltfted up, and he(had bebrought low; And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are highand lifted up, andupon all the Oakes ofBa= Phan ; And upon all highnoottntaines, andupon all thebill; that are Arad up ; That is, upon thofeperlons who are greaten, highef , and ftrongeft, like mountaines and hills,like Cedars and Oakes in the world. God in theexecution of his judgements, regarded: not the greatneffe of men, but impartially powreth vengeance upon them, nor fhould men where ¡office and righteoufneffe call for it ; He is not worthy the name or office ofa Magitirate, who cannot (in this fence) contemne the contempt of Families. Secondly, As the word families, fignifieth Inch as are ofneare relation to us, as force here interpret. Note. The feare of difpleafrng kindred and thofe in relation, often proves a great obftrultien to 7uftice. Some would doe right, but there is a kinfman abrother in the I, ea provinda cafe. We fay, It it hard to love and to be rile. r° ff lltians pervert ex yua gain ori- the; judgement. And thereforeby an ancient Law it was provided, Soern rraxir that no man fhould be choler to exercife the office ofaMagi. `,r'in ¡tare e ftrate in the Provincewhereinwas bred and borne* he fhould prohibit;r fu: be tempted to favourhis kindred and allyes in the forbearance of it, se :.tgra+ Juftice, or might feeme harfh and rigorous in doing Jutlice, ey 0)0 aped/uTi- ther againft or upon them. It is not eafie to fee a fault and pun- eft tiAcau.r ifb it in thofe that are near& us: and'ris hardeft to fee faults in ioulus Juri}c: our felves, becaufe we are neareft our felves. Naturalifts abferve 1.6: q, Sent: that whena fencible ob;eft is layd neare the fence, the operation scnfrbiti poft- is hindred. There is no man can fee himfelfe well till he get quite ['um/mu tone(jen out of himfelfe. And our nearenes to others makes it fomewhat acionem. difficult for us to difcerne their faults , but more to centiare and punifh them. H atv hard was it for David to fee treafon in a fon. Z, z z zz Wee