Chap. 31. .fin EXpe /itien span the Book! of Jos. Veri. 34. 725 beingbad, the latter was worfc. Be fore you are upon a right matter, and then the more fife and reColvedyou are againft re- fpeä torelations, the better are your refolutions. Perfonall re- lations fhould f.vay nothing in a publicke caute nor fhould any notice ofperlons turne us afide from doing right. The Lord fayd ( Per: 22. 24.) ?`hough Coniah the fen of lehoiokjm king of ?udah were the Signet open my right hand, yet would1plucke him thence ; that is, though he were as neare to me and as ufefull as a Signet is toman ( for this is fpoken only after the manner of men) yet he (hail beare his punifhment,and know that hebath grievoufl; fin- ned againft me. This (in proportion) was Yobs honour, be would not fpare Signet- friends, he had rather provoke all the relations hehad in the tvorld,thendepart from the rule,and fo provoke his fiat belt friend the Lord,and his next belt friend his owne confci. once ; God is our belt friend, and fhali we adventure a contempt fromGod to avoyd the contempt of friends? How good& fweet a friend a good confcience is none know but they that have it, nor all they neyther : but to be lure, 'tis better and carter being under the difpleafureof a thoufand families kindreds & relations, then under the difpleafure eyther ofGod above, or of our con- fcience inour bofome. Here's our duty both in publicke and pri- mate tranfa&ions, never be overborne by families, eyther not to doe right, or to doe unrighteoufly. How upright a man was ?cb, who alwayesdid what was right, though againft the vote, firft,of the multitude ; fecondly, of his kindred ; thirdly, ofgreat fami- lies : All thefe did not move him at all, nor did they beare the weight of an haire in the ballance for the turninghim out of his way. And this is a good patterne for the Minifters of the Col-pa; They fhould not feare todoe the duty of their place and office;. Though, Firft, The multitude aredifpleafed ; though, Secondly, Their kindred and fathers family contemne them for it; though, Thirdlyi,Great men are angry,and are ready to powreout wrath upon them if they doe. Magifirates andMinafters a& like them- felves when they are forayed by confcience towards God, not by humane concernments or confiderations. J0 B 31,