716 Ch9p.31. fin Expofition upon the Book of J O g, O B 3x., Vere 35, 36, 37, o that one would heare me, behold, my deßire 1, that the Almighty would anfwer me and that mine ad- vetfary hadwritten a book. :SurelyIMould take it upon myjhculder, andbinde it OS a crowne to me. Iwould declare unto him the, number ofmy fiepy, a Prince would Igoe neare unto him. fO B having given many evidences and proofes of his inte- grity in the foregoing part ofthis Chapter, fadly,and molt fe- rioufly imprecating the JudgementsofGod upon himfelfe, ifhis teftimony were not true ; he in thefe three verfes fhews bis afi'u- ranceofthe goodnefl'eof his caufe,by his willingnefle tohave the whole chatter yet more fully heard and examined even before the purefi end molt itapartiall tribunal]. We have two things m©ft confiderable in this contest. Iirft 7abs earneft requeft or petition that he might come to a tryall, o that one would heare me, my defire ie that the Almighty ztuld anfwer me (v. 35. ) Secondly His profeftìon, with what heart and frame of fps. rit he hoped to appeare and Rand forthin the day ofhis tryall ( v. 36, 37.) Surely Iwould take it uponmy fioulder, andbinde it as a crowne to me; 'woulddeclare to him the member ofmyfiep.r, and at a Prince would I goe neare unto him. Thefe are words of confidence,like confidence it felfe,yet no groundlet% confidence, nor the confidence ofthe wicked, which God will rejeft, and in which they í1u11 never profper. j iicein audi- Vert 35. O that one mould heare twee, or according to the let- weal me. ter, O that it were given to me to have a hearer Pagn: for me. érdfd g,a i e ?of, calleth for a Judge,and doubts not but his Judge will prove st iTioaxtae, his Patron ; he calls for a Judge to beate him with e6piity and boc enim rota moderation of fpitit, ofwhich kind of hearing he had found title ,aro fibi ne u from his friends. 15 lueritur. Ccc: 0 Verf.35e