Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

728 Chap. 31. .Ìx EtepoJitiox upon the Book of J o N. Vero. 35 Participium awaien, fungi. tur ac dativi favorir Dt,ji dtbit miti au- dienten, muti. Judicem deli derat, qui ex aiu0 guidon ¡ judieat, led ta- men in bonum. Bold: O that one would heare me, with regard to my fad cafe, or with compaffion ofmy troubled condition ; O that be worth!give me a bearer for me; Such a hearer I meaneas is affected with and fen cible ofmy forrowfull flare. lob had been longheard, how many debates and difcourfes had there paffed between him and his friends ? and yet now he fpeakes as if he had not been heard to that day. Hence obferve. They who doe not hearewell, doe not heart at all ; a matter it never heard till it be rightly heard. And as 'cis profitable to confider this,in reference to the hear- ingof fuckcontroverfall debates, as paffed between Yob and his friends, fo in reference to our ordinary hearing the uncontrover- ted do&rines ofthe Gofpel. Many faithfull Minifters of Chrilt have preached long, and have had many hearers , whomay yet cry out asfcb in the text, O ¡bat menwould Beare ut ! they have not been heard, though they have had many hearers ; fewhave heard them, though they have had a multitudeofhearers. How many Sermons timer you heare, till you heare them toprofit, you heare them not at all. And, how many caufes foever the Judge heareth, till he heareth them with equity and equirinity, he doth not Beare them at all. After 7.6, had been fo long heard, hehad reafon to cry out, 0-that one wouldheart nee. Secondly , Note. e_4 good man dofret, and deJ'res earnefilj to have his caufe tbr;ngbly heard, to have it heardto purpofe. As a godly man would havehis prayers heard, that is, gran- ted, ( The Lord is fayd not to heare that prayer, which bee doth not grant. ) he gives God no relt till he bath Tome hopes or in- timations that his holy deliires areheard, and anfwered. So eve- ry man indiftreffe or trouble, every man under hard cenfures, finders, or mifunderftandings, longs to be heard, and O how long and tedious is the time till he bathobtained a defiredbear- ing ? 'Tis a great paine not to beheard at any time,but then molt whenwe our (elves are (as fob was) in paine. When the body is in paine, and the minde in paine, when we are wounded within, and woundedwithout, O how grieveus and painefull is it not to be