Chap. 3 t. As Expoftiosa up®n the tyeeke of J o B. Verf. 35, 7zq beheard, but to have our matters ftill hanging in fufpence, and no end, no determination made about them I 0 that one would be,nre mee. .Beholdmy define ia, that the Almighty wouldanfwer me. In this claufe eh pitcheth uponGod for his Judge ; As if he had fayd withDavid (Pfal: 73, 25:) DYbomhave I in heaven but thee ? and there is none upon the earth that 1 defne beftdet thee, Where /ball I have a Fudge on earth cr in heavenbut thee ? Behold my define ie, that the Almighty would anfirer mee. The word which we tranflate, my define, is rendered by (erne, Ded0cant ali . thus, myfgne is that the Almighty mould anfwer me ; and fowe a mil pod e[es put in the Marginofour Bible, They who follow this reading ffgrjire ; et derive the word !tom a roote which fignifies,to marke,or to make mica lineu cut a fig= re. So the word is ufed ( Fork: 9. 4. ) Set a mar'keupon moos 101 the heads of there that mournefor theabominations that arecommit - quia ojum r gni red in the Land, the word lignifies afro the uttermcf¢ endor terme habet hinc fig - of a thing. The Hebrew Alphabet being doled wish that letter. ,.urn verti(o/er. They who iefift upon this lignificationof the word, read not (as Goer. ( 1flfgn frcat e- we) my define, but myjgne or my marks is that the Almighty tiaralerrrinum, would onfreer me. As if he had fayd The marke or feape that l mode î h_u li. aime at when I cry , O that one would heare me, is this, that the sera, 9gucdclau- Almight would an wer me : though 1 forme to Bake at lar e or at AL tlphabe- Y f g % /P g trio. Drat rovers, yet I have a marke, and the marke IJhcote at is tbis,ta have a hearingfromGad,O that Clod would be the °udge of my innccercy jrgnum and integrity,againfl all thefalfefuppoftions &mifpri ions which te-pretantur, lo- my friends have had or made ofme to this day, cu rn há rc ha But I rather adhere to our owne tranflation, any de re is, &c. ene'rant Ca/- arid fo the word isderived from a roote Aid) fìp;ciftet' r-o my; e8 eIt dey,v or elefre; nay wijh (faith he) or defre is that theAlmighty would omniiotens, qui anfwer me. There is a three fold an'wering. p o me teffatur. Firfl, There is an anfwering to"chose who aske queflions, for D."f: 'Were' the refolving of their doubts. 5ï 1 pro i X31 gaol uf;tatius Secondly, There is an anfwering to chore who make petitions Ft:cnt,JKn for the fupply oftheir wants, or the grant of their regoeils. defiderium nie Thirdly, There's an anf:vering co thole that plead agaihft ns, urn, a radice or lay any charge uponus, for the clearingof our innocency,and unde la- wiping away of thofe objections : in this laver fence We are to ants G aveo. D;u take it here, O that the fílmighty wouldanfwer me, that is,that he Aaaaa would