Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

no Chap. 31. An Expofttion upon the Book! of J a B. Verf.3S, would undertake and cleare my caufe, that he would be Judge, Refpondeat pro and witneí"te onmy fide. To anfwer, fignifies alto to teftifie, or noe,veite(íirno to give a celtimany concerninganother. Againe, wee anfwer; riom pe,biheat Fitt, inwords, whenwe confirme, acknowledge, and approve, tit inert i"ro:en what another hath fad or done ; Second! we anfwer by our tia, ll uL Y Y, Y °Re pouaere f4. at`tions (there is anfwering by the hand as we." as by thetongue) pee comma on when we doe the thing that is defiredof us. O that the Almb- ve,rime?=m. su tie w;nld anfwer me. yob having not found an equal! Judge on vertorefpo-dent earth, and knowing that none but God knew the fecrets of his elf confir heart, defires that he would be his Judge. So thathe calls God fareri; aDp.oha. re ; opereaeteal tobe his Judge, becaufe he alone was acquainted fully with his re'pondere er inhde anti perfeály difcerned all the motions of his foule his ends faceredejt.reria, and aymes, as wel as the manner ofhis life. Thus he appealed from men ( who are ufually led by their affec4 ons, by their love or hatred) to God, who ( from the evidence ofthings)judgeth unert ingly. Hence note. s,s9godlyy mans defires above all things that godwouldheart; and judge his caufe or cafe. David made this prayer ( Wad. 26. r.) judge me O Lord,for Ihave walked in my integrity. And againe(Tfal.3 5.24.) ?wig: me O Lord my god according to thy rigbteoufnefe, and let them not rejoyceover me. I have many Judges,many that judge meaccord- ing to their unrighteoufneffe ; but ( faith he) ?ledge me O Lord, according to thy righteeufnefe. Once more ( Pfal. 43. i.) yudge sne, 0 god, andplead my caufe again'? an ungodlynation. `David defires the Lord teL tuf#aine both the part of an Advocate to plead his caufe, and of a judge to determine it. But why doth ?' &(or why tbould any godly man)defire fo ear- neftiy tohaveGod tojudg him?The reafon is,becaufeGod is the befijudge,for fir' he is the moft knowing Judge.They who have bad caufes deliremuch to come before bad,or ignorant Judges, who cannot looke farce into them,much leffe look thorow them, they love to come before blind Judges, or if they be Icing Judges, they will doe what theycan to put out their eyes, they will blind themwith gifts, as the Scripture fpeakes, gifts put out the eyes. But he that bath a good caufe, defires to have a knowing Judges a Judge learned in the Law. And therefore a godly man mutt needs