Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3 t. Are Expofition upon the Rooke of J o B. Ver[. 35. 733 they are menofcontention.The good Prophet was fo accounted (7er. , s, I o.) Woe is me my mother, that thou haft borne me a man offirife, a man of contention to the wholeearth; 1have neither lent on :OPTnor men have lent to me on sefury,yet every one of them dothes:rfi me; that is;I medled roc with bnfineff;,I intangle d not my felfe with worldly affaires, I neither lent nor borrowed, I nei- ther bought nor fold, yet 1 am a man of ftrife, and contention: Some though they are nothing but peace in their fpiritsand fpee ches, yet are men of contention to the whole earth, that is, while they only fpeake the truth, and hold out the purity ofthe wayes, and worfhipof God , this vexeth all the world of wicked men. Such are menof ftrife and contention to thewhole earth, every one wrangles with them, none can beare them. It is laid of the two witneffes ( Rev: I r. r o.) They tormented the men that dwelt upon theearth. We read of a man ( Rev: 2. 13. ) the notationof whole name(Antipas) is a man againft all men; not that he was for contention,buthe wasa man fo holy in his life and zealous for the truthofGod,that all men (upon the matter) contended with him, and he was thine in the contention. The noble Äthana'' in the timeof the Arrian Herefe, oppofed the whole world, he was a man ofcontention to the wholeearth. In this fence tome good men the faithfull witneffesof Chrift are men ofcontention and ftrife. But many (as 706 calls his Adverfaries) arc menof contention in an ill fence,that is,they defire contention and lhrre up frife. Behold( faith the Prophet, Ifa: II. t r.) All they that were incenfed againi thee Ad be afhamedand confounded, they !ball be as nothing, and they thatftrive with tbeeJkall perifb,we put in the Margin, the men oftby ftrife ; that is, men.that are for nor thing but ftrife, or whole ftrongeft bent is to ftrife,and their am- bition tobe men of contention. Chrift was fo converfant with forrow, that he is called a man of forrows (Ifa: 53. 3.) And the fpirit ofAntichrift is fo fteeped in fin, that he is called the man of (in(zThef:x.3,)And by alike Hebraifm or Elegancy offpeech, They who love to fifh in troubled waters, or will be troubling the waters though they get no fifh, are delervedly calledmen of trouble, or men of ftrife. Secondly , When 70b faith, O that my Adverfary had written abootie, that is, a booke ofaccufation, a charge, a libel!, or an in. ditement againft nie, I withwith all my heart he had brought it in let him doehis worft. Note.