735 Chap. 3r. An Expofitiox aPon the Trek of j o n. Verf. 36. I wruld bind it as a crowne to me ( faith he ) The word is plurals in the Original]; Iwould ty itfor crownes to me ; foMr. Broughton renders. Cro,.vnes are glorious thing they are the greateft glory of this world, they are emb`earns of Sovcraignty, or ofhigheft Magifiracy and Majefly Imould bind it as Crownes. The leaves and lines of this hooke fhall be as fo many pekes and Jewels of my Crowne, or as many Crownes fet with precious ftones. Iwouldbind it to me as a Crowne, or as Crownes. But why doth jzob fpeake thus? had he no G 1, no faults, that he faith , I would bind the booke as Crownes to me ? did he thinke nothing could be writtenof him which he had caufe tobe afhamed of ? I anfwer; Though as force men make garments to cover their fin, fo others cover themfelves with fin as with a garment (Pfal. 7 3.6. ) and bind their fin to themas aCrowne glorying in their fhame ; yet lob was fare from eycherof there ungodly tempers : yea though he had lived like an Angel, yet he knewGod might find juft caufe enough tocharge himwith folly. And therefore in this boatling expreffion, he only intimates his integrity, that he was neyther a lover of fin, nor a delpifer of goodneffe. Or whenYob faith, 1 wouldbind it as Crownes to met. , his meaning is only this , Though my adverfary fsnde out send hit upon my o fences, yet I (hail not be like acommon rnalefa for or condemn'd offender; no, the very booke of my offences will be not only my defence, and clearing, but my honour and glory. All that 'can be chargedupon any man muff come under one of thefe three no- tioìag. Firs}, Eyther it is falle, and that which he never did. (fobs friendshadcharged hits . with many things which he never did, with fuèt things as he never contributed fo much as a thought or put a little finger to the doingofthem)now that which aman is falfely charged with, he can eafily (at leaft in the fight ofGod and ofhis owne confcience) difcharge himfelfe of. And that which at firft wàs but acalumny, will at laft be his crowne. 'Secondly , Suppofe the fad charged be true, yet if it be found fnch ache bathbee`hurbled for,and repented of,and tur- ned from, and unfey-Adlybeged Rrecgrh afainfl, it fïaall not turne