Chap. 31. An Expofitiou upen the Boole of J o E. Verf. 36.. 737 turne to his fhame. Sims hidden and continued inureour thame, and will be our confufion, but fins confeffed and repented of are Erit taihif etec our comfort and our crowne ; wecannot take comfort in any tin, ru confefliopre though confeffed and repented of; but we may take much com- Corona t'med:'- fort that to our knowledge wehave no fins but filch as we have confeffed and repented of. Thirdly , If true, 'cis eyther pardoned or unpardoned. j7o` might fay , let it, be granted, that my adverfary bath filled e- very page of the booke with fuch fins as I have indeed commit- ted, yet they are all freely pardoned, God bath fully difchar- ged me ofthem, and given me my ( quietxa eft or) acqui,tance into my bofome. Now then what though my adverfary accu- feth me, what though he write a booke of accufations again* me ; I have already accufed my felfe as much before God, and God bath forgiven me; there is an aft of oblivion patTed upon all my tranfgreffionsin the court of heaven ; The Lord bath laid, that my fins and my iniquities he will Remember no more, then what doe all thefe chargesamount to ? whoJbaJlay aay thing to the -charge ofGod.rElefi ? It it god that juffifietb, who it be that eondernnetb ? It is Chrif that dyed. Thefe challenges are univer. fall ; And though many have both charged and condemned the Bert' Eletti for whomChrift dyed; yet ifonce a man bath con- fared bis fin,&God huh forgiven his fin, all the charges ofmen and Devills will be but Handers and unfeafonable accufationc. Thus 74might triumph over the man ofcontention, and fay, whatever my adverfary can write,is eyther what I have not done, or if I have done it, I have undone it byconftífing it, and God bath undone it by pardoning it;theLord 'bath taken awaymy fin through the blood ofthe Covenant and I know that I (hall be Juflified. Upen this confiderationofGofpel grace, lob had rea.. fon enough to tell his adverfary, that he would beare his booke of indirement upon his fttoulder,and bind it to him asa Crowre. Hence note. Fielt , wrongful! aecufations are matter ofhonour, rather then rrfdifgrace to the innccent. There are two forts of wrongful! acculerions ; Firft, whenwe are accufed ofchofe evills which we never did. Secondly, when we are accufed for doing that which is good, as if it wereevil! ; bothor eyther of there accufationc are our crowne. It is fayd in B bbbb that