738 Chap. 3 r. An Expofition upe% the Books of Jo B. .Yerf.36. that Prophecy of Chrift (Ifa. 5o. 7, 8, 9.) The LordGod will helps noes, thereforeThadnot I be confounded,therefore have 1fet m, face as aflint, 'and I know 1¡had not be afhamed. Jefus Chrift had a booke written againft him, but hecould fay, I know I(ball ne- ver beafhamed ; and why ? The reafon is evident ; There was not one word of truth in all the inditement brought againft Jetns Chrift ; Hevascharged with many groffe fins, and called (aswe fay) all to nought. He was called a glutton, a drunkard, aDe- vil), a friend to publicans and finners; but ( faithhe) I know I !ha not be afhamed,I fhall havehonour from and glorywith God norwitht anding all thefe accufations. He ie neere that juffifaetb mee, who wiß contend with me ? let toftand together, who ie my ad. verfary, let him come nears to me ? behold the Lord god will helps mee ; who ie he that /hadcondemn, me ? lo, they ¡ball all wax old as a garment, the moth'hall eat them up. Thus wee fee Chrift had a number of accufations heaped uponhiin as ifhe had been the worft of !inners , but noneof them could reach or touch bis ho- nour ; for he had never toticht any fin. And though all the fins of his people were juftly charged upon him (he having under- taken to be their M diator, and toRand in the place offinners ) yet he bare them with infinite ftrength, and to the fatisfaäion of his Fathers juftice upon his [boulder, and fo bound them tohim as his Crowne. We finde alto how the Adverfaries of that faith - full Prophet writ a booke offlanderous reportsagainft him (7err 2o. i o.) Ihave heard the defaming of many (that is, many defa- ming me) reportfay theyand we will reportit,all myfamiliars, or (as the Hebrew bath it) every man of my peace watched for my halting ( they arehungry for fomewhat agairft me) laying, per. adventure he will be enticed (we by force cunning infirmation or other (hall bring him into a fnare, orwithin our danger) andwe Iholi prevaile againft him, and wefbad take our revenge on him,: But the Lord is with meas a mighty terribleone;therefore my per- fecutors (hallfumble,they fhallnot prevaile &c. This was the Pro- phets confidence; Hee knew thefe were falle reports, and would therefore-he as crownes upon his head, not a fnare ro his feete. The Saints in the primitive times made crownes ofall their accu- fations, and gloryed in thefe things which their prophane adver- faryes accounted their (name and their crime. Their faults were made by their enemies, not done by themfelves : or theyaccufed them