74eCUP. 3 r. An ï xpefition upon the Book! of J o a. Verf.37. Note. ¶.ard&nedfins gannet hurt the(inner ; And though it troubles him that lee bath finned, yet bitfens cannot trouble him. He ( faith the Apoflle) who is once purged loath no more confci- enceof-ft»,(Heb: io.2.) thatis,thoagh he knoweth he bath many limes, yet he bath nota trembling, tormenting accufing confci- ence,becaufehe is purged and his fins pardoned through that one 4acrifee of Jefus Chrift. This is the gory of the Gofpel : Free grace in Juftcfication takes all our fins off the file, as if they were not at all. Pardon is the blotting out of tranfgreflìons out of Gods booke, and if they are once blotted out of Gods booke, wee need not care who writes them in their booke , or what bookes men or devillswrite againft us. Laftly , Seing though 7-ob had finned, yet he relieved.himfelfe with this, that he was upright, and had an affurance in his owne foule, that he did not love his fin, nor hide it in his.bofome. Hence note. We (Hall never beput to flume for theft fjirnes which, we doe not l.ve. A title fin loved will be not only our flame, but our ruine, whereas great fins truely° hated, ;hall be fo farre fromruiningus that they fhall not make us of lamed. A fin hid in the bofome, will one day make theginner hide his head ; But he that know. eth, he hach no fin in his bofome, may beare his fin on his fhou.l- der and bind it as a crown upon his head. He that is fincere, is afhamedor the leaft fin, but he (hall not be put to flamefor the greateft ; as it follows. Verf. 37. Iwould declare to him the numberof my flops. T rnrt rr abeJ7 ut e em refpuererv, ' Iïs q+uefiioned, who is meant by the Him towhom lob would nr eriam cum wake this declaration. Some refcrre it toGod, and force to the adjuvarcm,gai Adverfary ; the fence is much one, whether to the one or the o- tibram salon rher. It fhewesmuch holy confidence, and a great teft:imon of confcribrre in, y y It:tutffer adver- a clears confcience to be willing to, make knowne the whole Am roe ; omnia courfe ofour lives to God or man. Iwill declare to him thesuns- aí/a rhea fi- ber ofmyflip;; As if ob had fayd, I fhould befo farrefrom refu- rarern tonne- n the hoc a written a airjfl Avg tbot h all the mi carria es ofm: rarem. Mere g k S ' g f g f, y fife: