Chap, 3T. An Expofition upon the Books of J o B. Veri. 37. 741 life were raked together andfeemm'd up in it , that Iam ready my . felfe togivean aceòunt oftoy wbele life. I am ready to make aful- ler conf eJîon anddeclaration of my finnet, then my adverfary cast . makeagainfl onee. I wouldfurnifh him with matter for hit booke, beyondall that he or any man slfo knoreet ofme ; Iwoulddeclare eke member of my fiept. He tneanes not carporalleps, but moral, the motions or ash- ons of his life, whether in thought, word, or deed ; theft areour fteps, and every at of theft is a Rep forward or backward, Ilea. yen-ward or hell. ward. So that when 7,1; faith,/ would declare to him the woofer of myflaps; it is, as if he had fayd, I would give him an account or a narrative ofall thatl have done in this world. But can any man doe that ? we may morecolii ly take thenum- ber ofour Reps in walking, then of our hearts in thinking, ofour tonguesin (peaking, or of ourhands in doing. How then could job fay,/ would declare unto him the number fmytep.r,feing they . are innumerable ? I anfwer ; We are not tounderRand it, as if Yob would under- take todeclare all his particular ads, or every thought, word, or deed, which had paired him all his dayes. But firft, their kinds, good and cvitl, or how he had moved innaturalls, how in civills, how in fpiritualls. Secondly, when he faith,/ would declare to him tie number ofen yftepe ; his meaning is, I wouldbe exact in difco- vering the courfeof my *hole life , even as if I had told every Rep. Thirdly, whenhe faith Iwoulddeclare to hint the number of myflops , his meaning is not, that he would fpecifie every oneof them, but that be would not hide or conceals any one of them ; many hide & cover their Reps in fulfill' wayes.It !hall not be im- puted to aman as fin,that he is not ab'e to remember all his fins; but'tis hisfin if he hide or feeke toput a covering upon any of them. Thus ?o6 would declare the number ofhis Reps , and dif. cover his life, even to his adverfary ; As if he had fayd, When ke lath written hie booke, 1will tell another manner offiory of my [elfe then hehark or can; when he bath fail ete muck as he can again.ft me,l will yetfreelyfay muchmore againfi soyfelfe. Twotald declare to him thenumber ofmy fieps. Hence.