Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

742 Chal9.31. An Expofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf.37, Hence note. eA graciosu heart bath a very obfervant eye upon hit owne wayes. `lob kept an account of himfelfe, andofall his wayes, and this is one ofthe bell accounts we can keepe. Many keepe an account of theirexpences, and incomes ; they know what goes out, and what comes in every yeare; but how few are there thatkeepe ac- count of their lives and converfations, oftheir thoughts, oftheir words and workes, thefe paffe without account; though they mutt all be accounted for hereafter. And how (hall wee declare the number ofour Reps, if we keepe not an account of them ? 'Tis a great peice of the praegice ofgodlineffe to put the wefts_ on often to our foules, What have we done ? The Prophet (yer: 8.6.) lets forth the wickedneffe of that age, when no man laid, What have I done ? what'smy way ? what my Reps ? what have I been faking ? what have I been doing ? where have my thoughts been ? Only they who have kept an account , are and will be willing to givean account. And how fad will it be with them to be called toan account by God who have never called themfelves to an account, nor confidered how orwhich way to make it ? Agodly man knowes he muff declare his wayes to God hereafter, and he is ready (when there is caufe) to declare them to his fellow-brethren here. He cares not (fo farre as is fit) who knowes his whole heart and life. As every one fhould be ready ( I Pet: 3. 15.) to give a reafon of the hope that is in him with meekneffe, and godly feare ; fo togive an account of what bath been done by him , with the fame meekneffe and godly feare. Scopebamfpiri But how fhall any man give an account ofwhat he bath done, turn mum. who keepes no account ofwhat he bath done? David made a Fodiebam goals Rri& fearch of himfelfe both as to what he bath done, and what egrum. Hier e ,9arriebam fpi. God bathdone to him (Pfal: 77. 5, 6.) Ihave confidered the titian meum. dayes ofeld, thepares cfancient times. Icall to remembrance my Sept. foist in the night ; Icommune withmine own: heart, andmy fpirit Scrutabar, vin made diligent earth ; I fearched my (elfe as with a bt'oome inpmy tilabam ;amnia g f mire a:atone hand(fo force render that text)I fwept my heart ; or as others coram et drh expreffe the Elegancy of the Original, 1 fearched su with a Made gentiam in ex- in my hand, I Jigged intomy heart and life;or asa third gives the fiat di'inedc Allufion , I fearchedac with afan inmy hand, to findeout what was