Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

744 Chap 31. An Expofitiou upon the Took of J o s. Verf. 3'7. negre to him,: 'Faith is our drawing neere to God, and the more faith we ad in coming tohim, the neerer we draw to him. As Princes we goe mere to him by f.ifh, that is, wehave the clofeft and free ft com- munion with him. 74 wouldnot keepe at a diltance from his Judge, as a malefador doth, but as aPrince he would goe acore unto him. There is abundance of Gofpel in thefe words; Al a Prince would Igoe 'were to bino. Hence obferve. ell believer through grace hole courage and bsldneffe, Prince- ly boldnefe with god. When men fufped and chirge him molt and worlt, yet his faith and courage fayle not. Solomon bath told us ( Pro: a8. 1.. The righteous id as boldat a Lion, who is a King or Pi ince among all the beafts ofthe field. 'Tis true of him that is righteous in his ac ions and perfonal qualifications, that is, a man of righteous principles, and.righteous in his practices bath much warrantable bolducs, both towards Godand man; but 'cis mach more true of him that is righteous by the imputed righteoulnes of faith in Ju. m e fe fat ftification,he,indeed,is bold as a Lion before God,&with God ; itta fidei ert,n not bold to fin againft himas many a:e,but bold tocome & plead p000Qoa , qua for and upon the pardon offin, through the blood and fufferings efcn ur freri ofJefus Chril4. A juftified perfon bath a princely fpirit ; David Cb,rJfr yrrjirtra prayed ( Pfal: 51. 12.) 'Uphold nee with thy free (or princely ) jeero ieccotor rit. When D.tvid had fallen into thofegrolle fins, his courage »anti eecuro, fpt g Solana ipfifq; and fpirit fell too; He wanted his former free acceffe in addref- inferorr,m por- fing to God ; though he remained in the ¡tare of falvation, yet -tu. Merl: he had colt the joy ofhis falvation ; therefore he prayed RJiore to me the joyof thy falvation, anduphold not with thy free Spirit. As ifhe bad fa) d, I could cnce ae a 'Prince come neere to thee O Lord, but alas, now I cannot ; my heart u ready tçfirke and m, ()kits tofayle withinme, O dee thou uphold tree by thy free Spirit, which alone can make myfpirit fret, and caufe me as 1 havedene formerly ) to drawneere witha mel groundedholdout and full afa- rance of faith. 0 that Imight once again as a Prince goe acere unto thee. Thus we fee 7J1 princely freedome in going to God, and in that