Chap. 3t. sin Expoftion upon tie Boo, of Jo a. Veil, 37. 74S that an evidence ofGofpel light and liberty breaking out even in rides in 7,bo thole times of darkneffe and bondage, The Jewifh Church was 'naximam fiii" fubjecg tobondage all their &yes, yetfome had much of the jerenremè glorious liberty of the Sons of God and non! amore glorious vxngctics pxa- liberty then this holy man ( though a f 'oranger to them ) who e- rhef"ta. Coco ven while his adverfary was charging him would goe neeee to God as a Prince, and challenge all thole who had any thing to lay to his charge, icing he knew that God had unified him; 1f rod be for ou, wlso wan beagainff te.r ? (Rom; 8. 31. ) L$ßly , We may from ?obs example take notice, that though we are not ¡ratified by the tefìitnony ofour confcience ; yet con- fcience teftifieth that we are jïtßified, andwe may rife up to a holy confidence from Scripture grounds by the Spirit, that God accepteth ofus in Chriß, no,withftandicg our tlns,as alfo that he heareth our petitions, and will at laßgive us the writeff one.fah- folution, Instil tine newparse written in it ; though the adverfary write a booke ofeccufation.againß us. The Papilla Doctors de- ny that a jufit man may know that he is juß or ¡unified :Paul indeed fayd ( and fo inefáed did jlob ) though he knew no :hinge by himfelfe, yet he was not thereby ¡unified ; but he never faydi ( nor did lob) that he did not know he was ¡unified. C c o o