Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

746 Chap, 3 t. lin Expcfrion op-10 the .800ke sf o a. V'erf.38. J O B 31. Verf. 32, 39, 40. Ifmy land cry againfl me, or that the furrows lzJc- wif e thereofconplaine : If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have cairfèd the - owners thereof to loefe their life : Let thifilesgrow inflearl ofWheat, andCockle its 'lead ofBarley : The words of job are ended, His holy and juft man had abundantly vindicated his owne integrity by an Induction of many particular inftances in the former part of the Chapter, and having put (as it were) a parenthefio, a litte flop to the current of that poynt in the three former verfes ; here he retur.aes againe to and re.affacttes the lame (object, purging him lelfe ( for that's the (cope of this con- text, which is allo the conclufiun of Yobs difcourfc) from all un- juft opprefiìve wages, either in getting or ufic,g the things of this world, by an expreffe imprecation of a grievous mifchiefe upon hirnfelfe in the doleor Taft verfe of the Chapter ; L t chiffles grow inffeadof wheat, and cockle infeedofbarley, if it benot as I hove affirmed: Before I come to theopeningof the words, this note from the Generals purpofe ofthem. ef' 99odly man is very cxafl and curiest-s in clearing himfelfe from Jcandeloes afperfion.r and fnfpiricros. As hedelres to be very circumfpea and acurate in his walk- ing (that was ?obi care) fo he is veryexo&t in vindicating the up- rightnefs of hits wages; and when there two goe together, they make a blefed harmony. Some are very careleffe in their walk- i ^g, who are very zealous fortheir credit ; They will be much in juttify ing themfelves, that either they have done weli,or not done ill, when they have been negligent enough in wel doing, or in taking heed left they doe ill. But (I fay) when a man hath been 'careful) in his walkingsand actions, he cannot be too careful) in his owne clearings and vidications. As a godly mari will confefie all