.. _ pf Book 3.. 747 Chap .31. tÍx Ex ot.ioss igloos sbe Saw of Órÿ.. derf. 8,.___.._.., ail his fins to humble himfelfe before God, fohe may affert the ucmoft of his ownintegrity,that he may juftifie himfelfe & glori- fie God béfore men.This good man in the text was not afraid of over. doing in this point:he had formerly affirmed himfelfe(God was his witnes) a man upright , and the(e his laft words feale to the until of the fame afn; mation,that he had walked uprightly. ¡fmy land c,y agarnf mec. The word fignifies land in Generali, and yet more properly, ,:ic -¡t, ltumrs; manu ed land, or land prepared and fitted by dreffing and ma- qua cotitu' prow nuring to nourifh and bring forth corne and graffej pla, is and eueréurrnraet fruits, that is, lardwell husbanded, till'd and dreg. If,my lot:d aorum fretgrb:t et. abarrbeee cry again, mee. cot firum. By a ufuall figure in Scripture,aets of life are afcribed to things Bold; liveleffe, and aC is of reafon to thofe things which have not fo much as fence. Tocry and complaine, are aás of reafon put out by them who are unreafonabiy dealt with. Here we have crying and complaining afcribed to land, and to the furrows of the field, which neyther know what man cloth, nor are fencible of what man cloth to them. This elegant profopopeia is very frequent in Scripture; and 'cis alwayes ukd to notegreat caufergiven ofcry- ing or complaining. And here theattributionofa cry to .iveleffe land, fhewes the finofoppreffion to be focrying a fin, that even things without life would complaine of it could they fpeake, though the oppreffed, who can,dare not. The cry of men againff us is an argument that we have done much amiffe, but the cryof land, andof the furrowsof the field, argue it muchmore. If my land cry again mee. There is a twofold generals fenceof thefe words in reference to the fin which fob would purge himfelfe from ; when he faith.,. if my land cryageingmee. Firft. They may import that henever gar any furrow or foote of land into his poffefaion wrongfully, either byopen violence,or by frcrct fraud and fubtle enfnaring devices. Some will oppreffe by Law, that is, by colour of Law and pretenfions of equitie ;, 7,4 abhorr'd that as much as down-right and barefac'd oppref= fion.. Ccecc2, Secondly