748 Chap. 3r. An Expofition rtpon tie Bookq of J o a. Verf.3S. Secondly,They may ititporr,that he never ufed any umighteouf- nels for the improvingof his land ; 'ris pcffìble for a man co have "land which is tritely and legally his owne, either by juft defcent and inheritance, orby valuable price,purchafe,and good convey ance. And yet to ufe it fo that his an may cryagainft him, and upbrayd him with unrighteoufneffe. Molt conceive this latter fence 74.r intendment here, yet I fee ro reafon why we may not very well take in both. As if he had fayd ; My land kathnot cry- ed again§meeat violently or cunningly wreffed out of the hand of the lawful! proprietors, nor can my land cry andccmplaintagairf! mee, as having beenunrighteous in the ufeofit, or in my dealings with othersabeut it, whetherformers to whom Ihave let it, or Ia. kurers whom Ihave called o dreffe and till it. Ifmy land cry a- gainf mee, or the furrows likkewije thereof complaire. Not only his land, but not the furrowes, that is, not fo much inn geva as any one furrow of it had caufe to eons,vlaixe; the Hebrew is ro p,adolore a,r weepe. Theword lignifies to weepeboth for forrow and for joy, hau, defiderio yet doubtleffe here, 'tis weeping for forrow (that only is accona- aatgaedio, panyed with complaining) which lob denyes he had given the furrowes of his field any occafion for. I ( faith lob) have not made the furrows of my field a Bochim, a place of weeping, or (as we render) of complaining. Every juft complaint fuppofeth tome injuftice fuffored by us, or forite mifery fallen upon us. When, as David faith ( Ffal: 144. 14, 1 5. ) There is no com- plaining in ourffreets, then we may conclude es he doth, happy is that people that is in fetch a cafe ; we may allo wel conclude, hap- py is that particular perfon whole land cryeth not againft him, and whole furrowes make no complaining in his field, From the words as they hold out in Generali that 7c6 gave his land no caufeof crying, nor his furrows ofcomplaining. Obferve. Firft, Sin ie fo hateful! a thing , and fo burdenforce, that the fenceleffeCreatures will Beare wittier again it,andcomplaint ofit againft evil men, ifmendoe not. Therewill never want a cry againft fingers; the veryearth (hall doe it, the furrows of the field flail doe it, ifit benot o- ther-