Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 31. As Expof+rior: upe» the Boelte of J © B. Vert. 38. 749¡ therwife done. As they ta ho doe wet aeting juftly towards men, and walking holyly towards God, Thall not want teftimony oftheir wet doing; Ifmen negleft or refufe to give it, the very tones of the ftrcet (hall give it. Whenatilt came triumphantly into 7eretfalem, the people ff reading their garments in the way, and the whole multitude oftheDifciplts rejoycengand praifing Cod for a,rl the mighty wakes which they badfeene, laying, Blrffrd be the King that cometb in the nameoftheLord, peace in heaven andglo- ry in thehighrfI. This ftirred the envious lealoufie of the Piled- fees, they couldnot beare it, but defined Chrift to rebuke hisDif. tiples , to whom he replyed, If thefe fbouldhold their peace, the flows would immediately cry out (Luke 19. 39, 40.) As ifChrift had fayd ; The fpeechlefft ¡tones will fpeake and give w.itneife to me if men will not. They whoare owned of God (hall not one time or other, one way or other , want ownings or witnef fingi from the creature. The Story, or Legend rather, tells us, Thet Bede blind with age, beingbrought by his Leader to a prea- ching place, where there wereno hearers, buta hope of !lanes ; thofe ¡tones ( Sermon and prayer being ended) cryedout, Amen venerable Beda ; 'cis fo in truth, with reference to thofe that are good, and doegood ; dal] themen in the world, ifmen and An- gels be filent, and eyther forbeare or difdaine to give tefimocy for them, Thevery ftones will fay, Amen the walls will beare them witneffe. So on the contrary, if a (inner, an ungodly op- preffor should have none to implead or impeach him none to give witnes or teftifte againft him, the very earth (hall doe it, the furrows ofthe field (hall doe it :God will rayfe up witneffes a- gainf hits, where and when he thinkesit is impoffible any fhoull be had. Ifman ripe: up ag einfi the will of god, the Creatures will rife up againft him as one man. The Prophet ( Hab: 2. Io, I I.) makes a threatning report of a firange Antiphony or Anfwer- long, in this cafe,or to the poynt in hand ; Thou (meaning the co- vetous and ambitious Chaldean) haft con/silted fhame to thy b eefe by cutting offmanypeople, andhaft fnned againft thyfettle : As if he had fayd,-.Thou haft finned greatly, and though thy fin be a- gainft God chiefely as to the moral evill oí it,yet thy fin is chief- ly againft thy owne fouleas to the rceenal evill of it ; Thou in the afting ofthy outragions tufts, haft hurt thy felfe more then o- thers, more then all the cations whom thou haft oppre(%d. And if