Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

64 Chap. 3o. An Expefttion upon the Bootie of Jos. Verf,8; J O B 30. Verf. 8, 9, io. They were Children offooles , yea Children of bafe men: they were viler then the earth. And now I am theirFong, yea I am their by-word.. They abhor me, they fleefarfrom me, and.fpare not to fpit in my face. j oB having (hewed in the former Context, howmiferablehis J deriders, or their fatherswere in their prefent condition ( they fedupon maßows and 7uniperroots : they brayed among thebu/hes, andgathered them¡elves among the nettles) proceeds in this 8th verle to (hew how fordid they were in their original, or from how bafe a roote they fprang ; he gives us their pedigree, not only from the degree or Title oftheir Parents, but from their qualitities. Verf. 8. They were Children offooles, yeaChildren ofbafe men: 17M3 (hews The word which we render boles, denotes a man fallen or /to/idus, guide fayling and withered in his underftanding , a foote wants filling, 'time ds 1sxrt. or furniture for his mind,he is but barewalls or an empty houle. Thus Abigail defcants, and, not lightly but difcreetly,playes the Critick upon her husbands name, (r Sam. ag. 25. ) Nabal is bid name, andfolly is with him ; As if the had faid, He is aman of no underfianding, his upper reomesare iN tenanted or inhabited. Or prefent Text faith of thefe men, They were Children ofNa- bal, that's the word. ,A Son of 21Lebo1, is of the fame lignifica- Lion in holy language with a Son ofBelial Sons ofB.lial are dif- obedient rebellious ones, who will not endure the yoake,nor doe what they know ; 'Sons of 7 abal, are fooli(h ones, lochas know not what they ought to doe , or how they ought to doe it. Flom;nec Fagii Mr. Broughton renders, vile Children : and another in the Super. tiofifmi. Jun: lative, Alen mot wicked of flagitious. Thereare two fortsof fooles : Fitt, loch aswant wit or um. derftanding ; and they are in two rankes, either loch have nowit or underftanding at all, whomwe call weer fools; or natural's. Secondly,