Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

75° Cc:x¿.3 r. i$n .xpef:Ylon upon the Book o;F J o a. Ver1.38. if there íhoald want witty í1es of thy finfufl opprtflions ( none daring to open his vouch againft thee) yet the ,ionsflea/l cry out of the wad, and she beanie out ofthe Timber fha& aufwer it. Here arc witneffès without exception, ftones and beames, walls and Timber Theeare witneffcs that cannot be (uborreed to witneffe a falte hood, nor can they be i:lenced.with bribes or pren ifes of reward from witnef ii g the truth. Thefe faithful witneffes like rvluíìcians or Chorlifers (hail an(wer one another, from pott to pilaf, from fide to fide; one fide that (hall fing, Behold 610 d, and the other (hall anfwer, Behold deceit ; the ftone fhall cry, Be- hold covetcurnrfe, and the beamte (hall anfwer, Beh Id cruelíp; the ftone (hall cry, Beholdopprli,n, and the beanie (hall anfwer, Beh ld perjury ; the (tone (ball cry, 'Beheldenv), and the beanie fh tul anf,ver, Behold malice. Thus inanimates (hall cry and an- fwer one another in their cry againft wicked men, rather then there !hail want a witnes of their wickedncf o. yob fuppofcd (itch a thing, when he fayd, Ifmy land cry againfi me, or the furoowe thereof likewife complaint. Secondly, From thefe words, Cr,lug, Weeping, Complaining.. Note. Se wefinsare crying ßß.t, veeea/1fins, mhhicbbeing done, fayfach were the doer,, and woe to the doers of them. Every ae`tion bath its voyce;The good wedo commends us,and any ill we do reproves uc,but Come evil done cry out uponus,yea and out againft us. The Prophet is charged by the Lord (/fa.58. OCT] ad udandBare nst,lift up thy voyce Ike a trumpet,fbewmy pea;/e their tranfgre;J'on, and the route of 7aceb their fanes. But though the Prophets doe not cry at all; yet the fins of a people will cry aloud, they will lift up their voyce like a trumpet,and cry aloud againft finners; the land will cry,and the furrowswill comp plaine,rhough the Prophets fhould prove dumbedoggs that can- not barke, or fawning doggs that will not bite. And confider what fort of fins chore chiefely are,which cry to. God, and againft man. Firft Such firmes as difturb humane fociety, and overthrow common fafety, peace and liberty, are crying fins. When a neigh. hour is fo un- neighbourly, as not to let his.neighbour live in fade- ty by him, this cryeth; Caine murder of his brotherwas a fin a- gainft